View Full Version : I'm new

25-09-06, 14:34
Hi all,

Found this chatroom today after looking for some help with my anxiety about my health.

I lost my Dad 2years ago to cancer and at the same time had a son. About 5 weeks ago I started to get headaches and went to the doctors after a few weeks as I started to worry......I also started to get blurred vision and pins and needles. After 3 visits to the gp and driving myself mad with fears of having ms or a brain tumour he referred me to a neurologist who has advised me that I am in good health apart from my anxiety. Even though he's told me i'm fine I can't accept it and am still panicking in case he's missed something..................

Anyone got any ideas?

Thanks for listening

25-09-06, 14:44
Hi and welcome. You will get lots of help here.

luv kaz x

polly daydream
25-09-06, 14:50
Hi Kate and welcome to the forum. I too went to see a neurologist about 2 years ago as I was getting weird sensations in my head and like you he told me their was nothing bad happening but I was still convinced their was, well here I am still here alive and touch wood ok apart from my good friend anxiety,I know its hard but do try and trust what your neurologist saids, he would know if you had a brain tumour believe me.

Best wishes,


25-09-06, 14:52
Hi Kate,

A big warm welcome to you.
I too lost my dad due to cancer and I've suffered health anxiety ever since and that was 10 years ago. I know how you feel. We are all here to help and support each other.

Take Care


25-09-06, 14:53
Thanks everyone. I actually feel a little better x

25-09-06, 15:47
hi all the symptoms you feel are mainly anxiety, if you check out everyone elses symptoms, i bet you find yours are the same! it does make you feel better when you know its anxiety and not life threatening.
take care

25-09-06, 16:32
Hi and welcome you will get great advise here,and you are not alone in how your feeling.;)

Ellen XX

25-09-06, 19:44
hiya welcome to the site. im sorry to hear about that. i lost a family member 2 years ago to cancer too. x

25-09-06, 20:46
hi kate

i lost both my mum and dad to cancer so i know how you feel. i have h/anxiety and i think its because of that.


25-09-06, 21:55
Hope youre Ok.
Ive just recently stumbled across this site and it actually makes me feel like Im not going insane.
Take care
Jo xxx

26-09-06, 00:46
Hi Kate. I'm new here too. And I lost my dad to cancer 3 years ago when my daughter was just 1. She was a newborn when he was diagnosed and I can relate to the stress, anxiety and worry you must have been bombarded with. A sick parent and a new child is a lot to manage. It made me mad when people said that my daughter was a blessing--as much as I love and cherish her, it was really hard trying to be a new mom through all that, you know?

Since then I worry about my health excessively as well. The fact that my dad died due to poor living and now here I am with a daughter, I thought that it was too ironic not to be a sign. But I think I've boiled it down to a beautiful example of the yin and yang of life, birth and death, etc.

I'm sure you're fine. Tell the worry side of your brain (that's how I refer to my constant voice that naysays and tells me things are wrong) that neurologists see horrific neurological disorders daily. He would know if something was wrong.

Take care. It's good to meet you.

26-09-06, 11:38
Hi Kate,

Welcome to the forum, you will get a lot of good advice here and make some new friends.

Take care

Trac xx

'Live your life with arms wide open, today is where your book begins, the rest is still unwritten'

26-09-06, 15:35
Hi Kate. Like a lot of other people here I'm in the same boat as you ie panicking that something's wrong despite the experts telling me otherwise. Hope you find it easier knowing that there's a lot of us around!

26-09-06, 21:51
Hello, welcome to the family! :)


'There are no such things as strangers; just friends we haven't made yet!'

29-09-06, 19:22
Hi Kate

Welcome aboard and lovely to see you here.

You will meet some fab people here.


30-09-06, 08:57
Hi Kate,

A big welcome to the site. Some great information on here and great support too.

Take care,
