View Full Version : widespread muscle pain with tender areas :-(

02-05-13, 09:13
Ive had these widespread muscle pains on and off for 3 years im going back to the doctors this morning. Havent been since august so hoping they listen, I dont think its anxiety. Amyone else have this?

02-05-13, 09:20
Yes I do fluff. GP says it's the cholesterol tabs I am taking. I have anxiety too but
I think muscle pain has nothing to do with being anxious.
Will be interesting to know your out come. hope you go on ok

02-05-13, 09:28
Thankyou im off there now I report back

Mrs Anxious
02-05-13, 11:03
Yes I have exactly this also, I have been diagnosed aas having Fibromyalgia, anxiety makes it worse, sounds very much like it, take care ( p.s dont worry its not degenerative or terminal) xx

02-05-13, 11:06
I can get widespread muscular pain which I believe is somehow linked to anxiety it seems to flare up and then just go.

My doctor has said I could have a mild form of a crossover of Chronic Fatigue Syndrome/Fibromyalgia both of which are treatable and from what I have read people who have their bodies under stress for a long period of time can suffer from very mild forms of (I also suffer from costochondritis which some believe is linked to Fibromyalgia).

But my guess would be is that it is all anxiety based..

Keep us posted Fluff

02-05-13, 11:40
Ive just got home ive got to go back in a weeks time ive got to take paracetemol see if that stops the pain if not he give me strionger pain killers. I had to point out all my tender areas he said about goimg to the rehematiod arthritis place to help with pain :-/ he seens ti think I have postural back prob im abit confused by it all lol

---------- Post added at 11:32 ---------- Previous post was at 11:14 ----------

I also have had slightly raised emr on blood tests since I was 17 which is an imflammation thing but no one done anything but I think It must be a connection now

---------- Post added at 11:40 ---------- Previous post was at 11:32 ----------

Sorry esr I ment

02-05-13, 14:38
Hi Fluff,
Went ok then. I am taking paracetomol .I also have co-codamol, but taking them
makes me sleepy all day.
I think the arthritis place would be a good thing to go to.
I have arthritis of the spine. Spent a lot of money going to a chiropracter, which
helped a lot, but had to stop because of the cost.
I am going to ask my GP if I can be refered to see a rumatologist the next
time I have a "see me" written on my repeat script
cannot spell sorry'
.Keep in touch :hugs:

02-05-13, 18:28
Yes im glad there goibg to help me :-) ive been abit worried incase it rehumatiod arthritus but I spose I should be pleased I get some help now im only 26 so I feel abit young for all this and a nearly two year old to look after. I also need to get a job and I should be starting a course soon aswell how do we cope with it all :-/