View Full Version : so scared of this tingling sensation

02-05-13, 10:53
:weep: i cant go through another day of this. of corse ive resigned my self to having ms.... but its weird, its not quite pins and needles, its not numb, just this weird tickling sensation under my skin, of course its not there first thing in the morning, just when I've got up and had time to think about it! its mainly in my right hand and up my arm. have docs at 5pm this avo. has anyone else had this tickling sensation? thanks :)

02-05-13, 11:00
Is it parathesis? Sorry I have no idea how to spell it but it's very common especially with certain medication.

02-05-13, 11:01
im not sure, i dont take meds, just cbt x ive got docs tonight, just trying to get through the day :(

02-05-13, 11:31
Aw dont worry you'll be fine. It's hard. The other day I had this in my left thumb and for some reason I get more panicky when it's in my left side! It's subsided now anf at the moment I am currently fretting over the white rings on my nails :huh:

02-05-13, 12:04
I have the tingly/numb/heavy feeling in my left side a lot. The first few weeks on 20mg Citalopram cured it, but it came back so I am now on 30mg. I also get pain in the soles of my feet.

It comes on a lot more if I focus on it. If my mind is distracted then the tingling goes.

02-05-13, 12:15
Hi Liviguy, I have just started Citalopram so hopefully this should stop for me too.

02-05-13, 12:16
Hi KeeKee. White marks on your nails is a calcium thing, or if you bite your nails your teeth can leave 'imprints' which appear white (well does on me anyway).

Drink lots of milk lol