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02-05-13, 11:27
Hi everyone

Has anyone ever had the feeling of being completely anxious all the time? My head feels dizzy and I'm yawning all the time to take deep breaths. Please help I feel like I'm going crazy

02-05-13, 11:32
Yes, I've had this for 21 years. I don't yawn to take deep breaths, but probably because I am so used to the feelings of anxiety as I've had it so long.

I'm currently on Citalopram and awaiting therapy to try assist me in beating the vicious circle.

You are in no way alone.

02-05-13, 11:39
I've been getting worse recently, I've not been to drs as yet because I'm terrified and embarrassed about these feelings

02-05-13, 11:59
You are getting worse because you will be constantly thinking of the feelings which is intensifying them.

There is nothing to be terrified or embarrased about by going to see your GP. They will have heard your case many times before and are there to help you get through and overcome it.

02-05-13, 18:54
I'm lying on the bed now on my front struggling to take a deep breath. This is anxiety isn't it, I'm yawning loads but can't get it out

NE21 worrier
02-05-13, 19:06

Yeah, it's going to be your anxiety. Please take the advice of Liviguy above - go to your GP and explain how you are feeling. He/she is there to help you, not there to judge you!

Peter x

02-05-13, 19:10
You definitely should see your gp. I kept putting it off thinking they would think I was wasting their time. When I finally went and talked about I felt so much better. They were and continue to be very understanding and knowledgeable and were able to help me rationalise the anxious thoughts. I also found it helpful to confide in my loved ones. And guess what the more people you confide in the more people you find have been through similar things. Knowing you are not alone is so comforting.

02-05-13, 19:13
You are not alone, but as above I would get yourself down to see your GP and have a chat with him. You feel as if you are the only one but believe me there are loads of us out here and your doctor will be able to help you.