View Full Version : Anybody have lipomas? Struggling! New to the board!

02-05-13, 13:05
Hi everyone. Have read these boards over the past year but this is my first post. I believe I have two causes of relatively recent health anxiety. One my father passing away a few years ago unexpectedly, and two the discovery of multiple lipomas on my body. These two things have really shown me that our bodies are not invincible. Now I worry about the slightest of lumps, bumps, pains, and other symptoms.

As far as my lipomas I cannot get them off my mind. Find myself Googling and reading horror stories (I know I shouldn’t!) I have them mostly on my stomach, sides, and chest area. I don’t know how many as the smaller ones are difficult to find. As a result when I do find them (from stupidly poking around) I have no idea how long it has been there. I know of at least two that have been around for years. Thinking about having those two removed. When I first noticed them I didn’t blink. One day a couple years later I freaked out thinking it was cancer. (thanks again google!) When my doctor shrugged it off I felt better and forgot about them. Until recently.
While I believe now they are not harmful I still worry about them growing further to the point where I have 100 of these things and am in pain. They can hurt now, if they get irritated. I want to do whatever I can to prevent them…. But there isn’t much out there I can find.

Anyone else have them? They seem to be more common than I realized and I know I shouldn’t obsess over them but I can’t help it. I’m 23 by the way and I’m a bit of a health nut. I try to exercise, eat decent, etc. I do drink though. Tough not to at this age!

Thanks for listening.

02-05-13, 16:00
Hi Patrick,
My husband has these lumps. He is in his early 70s now, so I guess they came when
he was in his 30s. He has had many removed and lots of scars. Mostly on his arms.
His Father had them and also one of his brothers. I don't think he has any pain,not unless he knocks one-- but he had one on his thigh that hurt because it was rubbing against his leg. He will not wear short sleeve shirts in the summer unless he is at home. His brother has not had any of his removed. They are out of sight and was told to leave them alone by a GP.
Take care x

03-05-13, 08:55
Hi, I have many lipomas and have had them since I was a teenager - I'm now 38.

I've had 7 removed in total, 4 from my arms and 3 from my thighs - they were beginning to get large and painful so I had them removed, some under local anaesthetic and some under general.

I've gone through phases of worrying about them but have been assured by my doc and surgeon that they're harmless.

09-05-13, 02:28
Thanks for the replies guys!