View Full Version : Pregnancy scares

02-05-13, 13:20
Sorry if this is in the wrong place.

I keep thinking I'm pregnant when I'm clearly not. I take a combined contraceptive pill everyday without fail. I take it at roughly the same time everyday and I'm not on any other medication which could interact with it.

I just always think I'm pregnant -_____-

I'm going to have a period in the next few days (probably Saturday/maybe Sunday) and I'm panicking it may not come already. I'm not even "late" and I'm worried. I even have menstrual cramps (which I get a few days before my period)

My mother will joke around saying I'm pregnant if I'm eating a lot which makes me worry more :(

I'm 22, I have no job, I have £15 to my name right now, I'm in college part time and I live with my parents. I'd be useless with a baby right now, I would mess his/her life up :(

Can anyone else relate? I know some people may just tell me to stop having sex with my boyfriend but I should be able to have a healthy sex life without all these anxieties -_____-

02-05-13, 13:25
I did have this prob aswell like every time before my period id think I was pregnant :-/ I would buy lots of pregnancy tests too lol I think mine came about more from having a child then having postnatal depression. I no longer worry at the moment cos I have no sex life lol

03-05-13, 17:56
Annoying, right? I was panicking whilst writing that thread. I started my period today (a day early) so I was clearly worrying about nothing :(

03-05-13, 20:31
Yeah its totally anoying :-(
I also think before a period you get more anxious and emotional it makes you feel you could be this time. I really do understand it.