View Full Version : Unknown stomach problem, possible ibs

02-05-13, 15:14
Hi all,

I've followed this forum for a while so I thought I'd join and see if it could help reassure me/offer some advice. Thank you in advance :)

About a month ago I had a bout of diarrhoea for 3 days roughly. This was accompanied with strong stomach cramps prior to a BM. I was quite worked up over these few days so I put it down to stress and things seemed to return to normal. Due to previous family problems I got checked out and had what seemed to be every blood test done under the sun. Those came back perfect, no inflammation at all or indication of infection.

However, this past week it's come back but worse, with bleeding. Yes I have been to the docs who said it's probably something to do with IBS/haemorrhoids. They were not concerned at all, especially with the results from blood tests 2 and a half weeks ago. I did complete some very strenuous exercise activities the weekend before and had been taking ibuphrohen.

I've been taking mebeverine for 5 days and it seems to have calmed the cramping but not diarrhoea/bleeding. I'm eating perfectly, little fat, no fizzy drinks, no alcohol, limited dairy etc. It's getting me really down and I'm feeling quite anxious (which is possibly the underlying cause). So i'd really appreciate if anyone could share suggestions/similar situations.

I know i probably need to be patient and give my body time to sort itself out, but it's difficult when I feel so anxious 24/7. :weep:

Thank you

02-05-13, 15:33
It does sound like IBS but I have posted just to warn you that it's not advisable to take anti inflammortaries like Ibuprofen when you have stomach issues.