View Full Version : So they found a...thing

02-05-13, 16:15
Finally got a head MRI the other day. Been searching for the past few months for any and every possible explanation for my debilitating symptoms, while my family has been getting more and more exasperated and broke. I'm still hoping that what I have is a combination of post viral complications and anxiety (ie crappy but not life-threatening), but they did find 'something' in the scan. They said it's small (touch wood) and not likely to be causing my symptoms, but they'll have to check it again in three months to see if there's been any change.

Apparently I might have always had it and the MRI I had in 2005 for a different reason might not have been sensitive enough to see it. Still, my dad's family has a history of benign brain growths that do occasionally cause problems, though not at this young of an age (21). The doctor said stuff like this shows up a lot these days with the sensitivity of the scans.

Still, it's unsettling to know I have something there in my head, particularly when I start getting the funny neurological symptoms that made me want a scan in the first place and, being a psychology student, I've had to study the effects brain damage can have :scared15: But weirdly, I've been so scared for the last few months I'm finding it hard atm to be even more scared. That and the xanax.

Sorry for the essay. Anyone else had stuff like this found? How did it go?

02-05-13, 18:10
I had a brain ct scan done last month because of vertigo,headaches etc. My gp rang me to say there were 3 hypodensity shadows on it. I am waiting to see a neurologist and have an mri scan before i see him. My gp just said it wasn't cancer and i hadn't had a stroke and not to worry ha, easier said than done.