View Full Version : weird icy creeping feeling

25-09-06, 17:12

I've had a really bad 3 months - felt really ill a lot of the time. Not sure if it's all down to anxiety or not. I've kind of convinced myself that I have a hormone problem (my thyroid level has gone down and I have low cortisol) but I don't know whether these things can be caused by a very stressed and run down system?

Anyway, I've had these horrible sensations come over me 4 times in the last 3 months. It feels like I've been injected with something that is creeping all through my body turning my blood icy cold and trembly. It lasts for about 10 mins, then goes off and comes back again in waves. Lasts about 3-4 hours in total.

Has anybody had this or got any idea what it is? It's freaking me out. I was thinking that it was to do with hormones. I've been to see a BUPA and I'm having some tests done this week. At first I was hoping that it would turn out to be a hormonal problem but now I'm scared that it might be something more serious and I'm now hoping it's really all down to anxiety.


25-09-06, 17:16
yep had this a few times its def anxiety hun, it usually starts at my feet and ends up all across my chest like its crawling up you. had the hot burning one too, they are what is known as temperature waves, nothing to worry about its a common symptom.

we are all stronger people after having this

27-09-06, 10:03
Thanks for the ressurance Julie

Mine starts at my feet too - the worst bit is when it creeps all over my head. Damn this anxiety - I'm fed up with it.

28-09-06, 21:53
i also get this sensation. it feels like i have got cold liquid running through my body. the first time it happened i was alone and i felt so much worse not having anyone with me.

i didn't realise at first it was down to anxiety.

wishing u well

pp x

28-10-06, 12:35
I get it all the time..I get the feeling someone is sprinkling ice water all over my body including my eye brows and elbows and the weirdest places..I have had this symptom of ice water in the veins and the water droplets for almost twenty years off and on.I ask my doctor about it and he said anxiety..so well what can you do ? I have had it at the weirdest times when I didn't think that it was anxiety but maybe it was, but there is one thing I think that contributed to mine ,it seem to coencide with orange juice or anything with citrus, I hadn't had the symptom for years because I don't eat or drink anything with orange in it and the other night I had a piece of lemon cake..it happened for two days after and its gone again.hope this helps