View Full Version : Everything Is Loud!!!!!!!

02-05-13, 18:03
I have my window open. Every sound is so loud! People talking to each other on the other side of the road feel like they're talking loudly in the same room as me!:curse::curse: Anyone else get this?

02-05-13, 18:14
Yep!! Noise drives me crazy too!! :curse:

I mentioned this to my doc, he said something about being constantly on 'alert' and senses heightened...it's like I can't tune into 'myself' when it is noisy. The only good thing for me is that being a mum, I have somewhat learned to shut it out at times lol.

02-05-13, 20:28
Omg yes me to! If mum n dad talking downstairs drives me crazy. I hate noise .

02-05-13, 20:55
Yes, since I started feeling more anxious again (since Easter) I've noticed that sounds disturb me more than they used to. Nearly every morning this week, I've been woken up by my neighbour's motorbike, whereas that rarely ever woke me up when I wasn't feeling anxious. It does seem that things are louder than normal. I can even hear the traffic noise outside my bedroom window when I've got the windows closed (they're double-glazed) and when I'm wearing ear plugs!

02-05-13, 21:41
I can totally relate to this problem as I have posted before (Noise anxiety as I call It) regarding this matter and the way I feel if I here noises etc

19-05-13, 15:39
Got this now!!!!!!! Sitting with window open because it's warm(another thing that sets me off). I can hear everything like it's inside my head.

19-05-13, 17:16
Yeah, I get it too. When I am feeling anxious every noise feels like it is multiplied by at least a hundred. I think what Kitikat said about our senses being on high alert is spot on. I remember one particularly anxious time when for a couple of days, I would jump at any surprise sound.

And then there are just some of us who love peace and quiet anyway. I am not keen on uneccesary noise anyway, I would never put the tv on in the background, for example.

19-05-13, 17:46
Kids are playing outside at the moment (next doors kids) their just being kids butntheirnso bloody loud.
Mum and dad shouting. Brothers tv up so loud.
Feel like my heads going to explode. It's probably nothing but to me noise which is not created by me really annoys me so I know were ur coming from :)

19-05-13, 18:36
I hate noise, I just find it irritating and it make me feel very panicky. If the TV is loud or the radio or people shout I feel uncomfortable and breathless, if it is in a shop or similar I have to get out of there.

19-05-13, 18:43
Yes i notice this to at times its very annoying i donbt suppose its any louder than normal its just our nerves and senses are hyperstimulated

frosty xx