View Full Version : Can't convince myself I've not got a DVT

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 19:04

For 3 or 4 days now I've had pain in the back of my left leg, at the moment it's just above the back or my knee.

The area isn't tender (there's a bit of pain, but not enough to make me flinch or anything) no matter where I push, but does feel very hot and hurts when I walk.

I'm trying to think the sane thing and think it's muscle pain, but I keep slipping back into DVT territory.

I thought I had a DVT last summer and it turned out to be nothing, but I keep thinking "it's different this time".

I'm also struggling to cope with a (growing) lump on the roof of my mouth as well. So my mind is flipping between imminent death from the DVT and near future death from mouth cancer.

I'm tying to imagine what I would say to someone with these symptoms, probably, it's nothing, but I can't seem to believe it myself.

02-05-13, 20:53
hi jim I have had blood clots and didn't have the symptom your are saying your having believe me the pain with them are so intense I had 2 on my lungs few years back if you have no swelling in ankles or anything I would try not to worry to much I know that's easier said than done though hope the thought of it goes away soon for you take care Amanda

02-05-13, 21:39
Coming from someone who has not got a DVT or cancer fear if I had those symptoms I'd not b worried - if they persisted if go to the doc but I'd fully expect it to be nothing serious
Hope that helps a bit

Anxiety Jim
02-05-13, 21:47
Thank you both for replying.

And knowing that you had one Amanda at least tells my irrational self that even if I do have one it's survivable.

I keep getting sharp pains in my chest now, which is a definite anxiety symptom, but I keep jumping to the conclusion that it's a blood clot entering my heart. Which sounds really mental I know.

I keep going short of breath (another anxiety symptom I keep telling myself) and I keep thinking it's a clot in my lungs, but then after a couple of minutes my breathing goes back to somewhat normal.

Sometimes I wish I could just go to sleep for a week I feel so exhausted from the anxiety.

02-05-13, 21:49
I know how you feel :) it's exhausting!!!!

03-05-13, 08:24
I actually had 2 pulmonary embolism, I don t really want to put the symptoms on here as I have done in past as might worry people ,but if want me to pm you what they was I can do that to put your mind at rest, im sure you will be ok but always best to get checked out if the thoughts always there atm

03-05-13, 15:19
The pain gets so bad that you would
Be in agony! Plus, I get those mouth lumps all the time. Mouth cancer doesn't present that way! You need to take you're mind off these worries and they will go away x

Anxiety Jim
03-05-13, 18:45
Well I did manage to see a GP today, he didn't seem to pleased with me coming in with DVT symptoms again. He felt my legs, and measured them, and said both legs are the same size, and it's not red so it's not a clot.

Still getting the pain though, but am reassured. But now I'm quite upset that I've annoyed my doctor keep coming to see him all the time.

I've got an appointment with another GP on Wednesday so after that I've going to try to stay away a long as possible. At least a month to start with I think.

03-05-13, 19:23
Well I did manage to see a GP today, he didn't seem to pleased with me coming in with DVT symptoms again. He felt my legs, and measured them, and said both legs are the same size, and it's not red so it's not a clot.

Still getting the pain though, but am reassured. But now I'm quite upset that I've annoyed my doctor keep coming to see him all the time.

I've got an appointment with another GP on Wednesday so after that I've going to try to stay away a long as possible. At least a month to start with I think.

Glad you have seen the GP Jim and that you are feeling more reassured, don't worry about keep going to see the doctor, that is what they are there for, they must expect people with HA are going to see them more than the average patient, good that you are planning to cut down your visits though, means you are managing to trust their diagnoses. Take Care

03-05-13, 20:27
Glad you saw a doctor :-)
I hate it when they make you feel like that I remember when I was going every week :-/ and some got really fed up with me lol but it does do you good to stay away. I always feel so anxious when I do go and if I have alot of symptoms they dont like that either lol

04-05-13, 01:53
I have had DVT in both legs, each on a separate occurrence and a PE in one lung with the second DVT.

As said previously, it is about the most painful thing you have ever felt, you would know, just from the caliber of pain that something was seriously wrong.

Both times my legs hurt like hell and then slowly grew in size and turned red. After a few days into a DVT my leg was so swollen that it was rock solid and could no longer be moved or bent. I could not walk at all for at least a week or two, and couldn't walk unassisted for probably another week or two after that.

Unless you have a genetic disorder that increases clotting factor (which I do) you should be fine... Or unless you sit for crazy long periods of time. Best thing to do for preventing clots, and probably for the anxiety as well, is to go for a walk, get up and move around, etc.

I totally understand how you feel, having had DVTs in the past I am constantly scanning my body for problems, and becoming convinced every little thing I feel is catastrophic and deadly. Probably where my health anxiety came from in the first place. But, if you have been checked out, remember that it is all in your head and cannot hurt you in reality. Anything sufficiently dangerous and real will be so obviously painful that you will have no doubt.

Good luck!!

04-05-13, 15:56
I have the exact same anxiety about dvt because I live a very sedentary lifestyle and for the last week my leg has been hurting a lot and it doesn't feel like muscle or nerve pain. I went to see a gp yesterday and she said unless im on the pill the chances of having one are slim to none at 20 years old. I keep reading stories about young girls who had dvt but were ignored by their dr because their symptoms were very mild and died as a result and it brings me to tears and puts me on edge. Like you my doctor is sick of the sight of me and I feel like the girl who cried wolf lol. I'm still anxious though. This pain is very unusual and all up my leg and feels like the vein. Adding to the concern is that my d dime was high last week and I was admitted to a ward for the first time - having health anxiety and being borderline agoraphobic ,this was like being thrown in at the deep end - they told me I had a suspected blood clot but they wouldn't be able to scan me for 3 days! only to be told days later they couldn't find anything. It's driving me crazy. I've had so many health scares and I can't remember life before anxiety. It's so consuming of the mind and spirit. It's all i can think about and I totally relate to your state of mind right now.

06-05-13, 22:29
I have had a dvt in my left leg, I had the pain for a whole month it was agony! Real agony I woke up with the pain and went to he'd with it! I also have a lot of leg aches especially when I'm anxious or due on, I get a sciatic pain that hurts on my calf but it also goes right down to the sole of my foot, it helps walking about x please believe your dr, they are quite easily spotted and quite rare I think to just get them mine was after a c section xx
Leanne xx