View Full Version : New blog idea - need advice

02-05-13, 19:18
Hiya guys

I haven't been around recently as I have been enjoying my positive and happy mood (I've been away from the internet full stop). I've FINALLY got my inspiration back to start writing my novel again, which to me is a massive deal, I'm exercising more and eating a lot better. So many people have noticed my boost in the mood and it's fantastic!

I really want to get back into my blog writing. I had a blog site but deleted it after a paranoid episode. I used to write about mental health issues but this time I want to write more POSITIVE blogs, like how to improve on your mental and emotional health.

I don't really know where to start, I was wondering if you guys could give me some pointers on what you would like tips and advice on, or what you would like to read to put a smile on your face!

Remember, it must be POSITIVE! :yesyes: