View Full Version : To all that love animals

03-05-13, 01:11
I had terrible news that my little cat, Bella was hit by a car earlier today. Im gutted as fed her while a kitten, but I feel more for my mum. She is taking it bad and that's so hard for me to deal with as never hugged or comforted my mum.
Worst thing is I need to go to mitlon cat/dog home to collect body, or get cremated.

03-05-13, 01:23
SDP Sorry to hear that, you and your mum must be feeling terribly sad. We get just as attached and love our pets as we do family. Go and give your mum a hug .:bighug1:

03-05-13, 01:32
Awww, so sorry to hear your sad news. It is terrible to lose a beloved pet like that. I really feel for you and your mum (especially being a cat lover myself)

Thinking of you :bighug1: for you :bighug1: for your mum xxx :flowers:

03-05-13, 01:59
Hey thank for support, I feel terrible but need to keep a lid on my emotions just to see my mum through.
Even looking at my profile picture is so emotional but im glad we found out as those 25hrs that lost she was harder than this.
Well the 2 year I had her she was loved beyond words and wouldn't change getting her but just so hard parting.
Plus she loved cheese and ive got so much in fridge...

03-05-13, 02:33
Yes, the not knowing is far worse as you can't rest. Not a happy outcome sadly, but at least you know now and can take some comfort from knowing she had a wonderful life with you.

I hope you will be able to give your mum the support she needs. Let yourself grieve too. I am so sorry for your loss :hugs: take care xx

Granny Primark
03-05-13, 03:41
Oh my goodness. I so feel for you. I agree with kittikat. Our animals our stanley the dog, minnie the cat and our edna the guinee pig are like children to us. Big hugs. xxxxxxx

little wren
03-05-13, 08:00
Sending hugs out to you sdp - losing a pet is a bereavement. Take comfort in knowing how much she was loved x

03-05-13, 09:06
So sorry to hear that, it's heartbreaking to lose a pet as they become part of the family :hugs:

03-05-13, 10:00
Thanks for all the kind words everyone, this morning was rough as usually I feed my other cats first as Bella waits on the fridge to get her cheese:)

I cant wait till I go get her ashes as the thought of her in there is killing me.
Again thanks for support.

03-05-13, 10:15
I'm so so sorry SDP! I know how much that hurts :weep:. I lost my 17 year old girl last year and it was heartbreaking. I still get upset thinking about it. Our pets bring us so much unconditional love. It will be tough for a while but it does get easier. Bella knew how much she was loved - take comfort in that. Huge hugs to you and your mum. xxx

03-05-13, 10:54
Was it ten years ago or fifteen? I can't remember how long, but I can still remember my neighbour from over the street at my front door telling me there was a cat dead in the street, and was it it mine? And yes it was, my poor silly Panda, who spent the nights on my bed and the days across the street. Gone, but not forgotten.

03-05-13, 12:49
Oh no, I am so saddened to hear your news SDP.
I really do know how much it hurts when this happens as I have lost three beloved cats in the same way too. The shock of it happening so suddenly affected me alot, plus of course the gaping hole they leave behind. That routine you had going with her was really lovely. I'm not surprised you miss her so much. I know I would.
The others are right, our pets do become part of the family. Do remember that whilst you would like to support your mum, you are allowed emotions and to show them too. Dont hide them away because sometimes (if you can) then sharing them is actually helpful. That's why I'm glad you've shared here.
You are obviously a very kind & thoughtful person, especially thinking of others, such as your mum, at such a difficult time. I dont know if you come from a family that does hugs or not, if you do, would you be able to give her a hug & say something simple like "I know you miss bella and I do too"? Perhaps it might help her, I dont know.
I wish I could help your more as its just an awful time. As you can see from everyone's posts, we relate to your feelings very strongly.
I can appreciate why looking at your profile picture would be so emotional. Also I experienced the "not knowing" situation too and agree its very hard indeed.
You really have the right attitude about not changing getting her. The parting is very hard but you experienced something very special with her. I recall when I lost my first ever cat... it was heartbreaking. That was more years ago than I care to remember but I still remember her. Bella will always be with you.
Some of my cats loved cheese too..... and one even liked squirty cream as a treat. I used to let her lick the nozzle so i wasnt tempted to eat it myself!!!
Anyway, big warm hugs to you. What are your other cats like? I'm glad you still have kitties in your house. I recall when I lost my own cat, that the other family ones didnt seem the same to me. But one of them we had as a kitten too. She became my cat & I had her 17 years. Of course she never replaced my special one but she was still a wonderful companion too.

03-05-13, 14:32
So Sorry SDP am sending you hugs:hugs::hugs::hugs:

03-05-13, 15:23
Sending hugs for you and your mum :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:

03-05-13, 16:31
I feel for you and your mum :hugs:

06-05-13, 18:17
Hello SDP, I wondered how you are doing?

06-05-13, 19:22
Hi Tessar and everyone else that gave such kind words.
I'm doing a lot better today, Saturday was extremely hards as spend all day in bed recovering from my birthday night out on Friday.
Managed to keep a lid on emotions while out that night but Saturday me and my mum just found the house so quite.
I was trying to get on here earlier but couldn't find time as I was out with my brother picking out our brandnew addition to family a little bundle of fluff called Porsche she is also at Bengal.
I feel really guilty just going out and replacing Bella (could never happen) but my mum has been inundated with offers on facebook and she seen one that stole her heart so had to go get for her.
Since little Porsche has arrived at house I can see my mum has picked up immensely so I think this is right thing to do.
If I've got this right below should be picture of Porsche.


06-05-13, 19:29
Sorry to hear this, I know how hard it is to lose a pet.

06-05-13, 20:39
If it has cheered your Mum up, then it was the right decision. You will still remember Bella and you have given another cat a good home.
I remember when my budgie flew out the window. I was heartbroken, but I bought another one. He never ever replaced the first one. I still think about him and have pics on my phone. But at least the second one came to my home. Better than being in a pet shop cage and loved as much. Oh how we get so attached to pets:)

06-05-13, 23:40
My heart goes out to you and your mum. Losing a pet is so hard. I am glad to see that you are finding comfort with another cat, I am sure that Bella would have wanted you to give all that love to another wee one.
