View Full Version : IBS with no Diarrhea?

03-05-13, 02:20
So having an abdominal pain freak out, just a recurring specific pain to the left of my navel. I have been dismissed by my doc a couple of times (this is a new doc who is not aware of my HA issues, yet, anyway). Anyway, I have of course had gas pain off and on my whole life, but lately this new pain which has been present off and on for seven months, has really bothered me, as to me, it does not feel like pain I have had from gas in the past, and as such it is hard for me to dimiss, even though the doc tried to assure me it is probably gas.

I have, literally, no other symptoms. No fever, no weight loss, clean blood work etc. I feel pretty good, physically, other than this recurring, pinpoint pain.

I have tried to tell myself it is something like IBS, the thing is, my stool is fine, normal as ever. I have horrendous gas on occasion, and burps, but no other problems, other than the recurring intermittent pain.

My question is really for the IBS sufferers out there. Is it possible to have irritable bowels without having diarrhea?

03-05-13, 11:34
Hi lofwyr,

I too have normal toilet habbits, but with gurgly stomach and wind and occasional pain. The doctor seems to think I am just windy and only very mild IBS so yes I think its nothing to worry about- hard to say this when I worry about it too.

My bloods were also fine, just low vit d and slightly low iron.

When do you notice the wind etc? Is it after youve eaten food/when your stressed? Mine seems to come after large meals or when Ive really pigged out on an evening. Also when I worry about it it makes it so much worse.


03-05-13, 12:25
Usually after I have eaten, yes. Sometimes I feel some pain and discomfort while I eat too. The pain is so intermittent, but it just feels different from other pains I have had over the years, which is why it freaks me out so badly.

The doc just sort of dismisses it, and does not seem concerned, but then you hear those horror stories about how they miss something...which is probably why I cannot let go.

I would have other symptoms, I am sure, if it was something bad. But everything else is fine. Sometimes I wonder if there could be an ulcer or something, because I will get a small burst of temporary, mild pain when I eat something like hot salsa (which I have been avoiding since this was first noticed), or a mild discomfort in the same area when I drink something hot.

But I feel nothing waking up, or usually when I go to sleep, and never in the middle of the night when I might wake up. It is usually worst in the evening or afternoon.