View Full Version : Has anyone ever overcome anxiety?

03-05-13, 04:52
That may sound like a silly question but my health anxiety is absolutely destroying my life and I See absolutely no way out! He last 6 months I have had stomach problems! Originally the doctor gave me an X-ray and said it was just constipation but since then I've had "air hunger" or to describe it not being able to get a deep enough breath (just falling short of rolling over a speed bump) and constantly making myself yawn to feel relieved, followed by dirreah then back to constipation again! Strange feelings on my chest which I think is acid reflux but I just can't go back to my dr because I'm petrified he will send me to hospital and that's where I had my last major panic attack! I am talking to a lovely girl n she wants to meet but I'm to scared because I've put on so much weight! I've stopped working because of it! And as I say I just can't see no way out of my anxiety! I've tried tablets in the past the made me sucidal and I'm scared to go back on meds! My therapist sessions are far and few between for some reason they say I'm in a generally good mental state! Everyone sees me as being in a normal mental state but I know deep down its absolute torture! Any advice would be great! Techniques in helping me calm! Or detoxes just any useful advice would be amazing! Sorry for the long post I just needed to get that out and funnily enough I feel a lot more relaxed ps depersonalization keeps coming and going in stages, one week with it couple with out then its back again!

03-05-13, 05:37
Permanently,no, not yet. But I do have times, sometimes years, where it is gone or minimally episodic. It can pass, and it will pass. Try to get out of your head, do things to distract your mind, it is the only thing that works for me.

03-05-13, 10:12
Yes, I have overcome Anxiety/Panic attacks.

03-05-13, 11:08
I've mostly overcome anxiety with a combination of the right medication, some psychological treatment, an increasingly better understanding of my condition, the passing away (I have to say it) of stressful family members, and the ability to choose work and living spaces which occupy me but don't overstress me.