View Full Version : Been diagnosed as having anxiety

03-05-13, 09:09
I've been suffering from breathing/wheezing probs on and off for the past week or so. I've seen 4 docs since Saturday who suggested it was a viral thing and that it would pass but I've had horrible laboured breathing and palpitation type feelings too.

Anyway, to cut a long story short, I've been back at the hospital tonight, had a full check up and everything is totally fine with my asthma etc, but oxygen level was at 100% which suggests I'm actually over breathing.

She spoke to me about possible anxiety and I burst into tears.

Told her about my husband's aunt who is very unwell and who is making me think back to when my mum died and also the fact that my 6 year old son is really playing up at the moment and so she's said it sounds like I have pretty bad anxiety.

I'm worrying about my breathing which is making me panic and the anxious feelings are making me breath harder which isn't helping etc etc.

She also asked if I ever feel anxious about my health and I laughed and said that this week I've mainly been worrying about having lung cancer and/or heart failure, so she spoke to me for a while about that and managed to reassure me that I'm young, fit and healthy and then she said I didn't even look my age!

So I've to try and stop worrying about every single ailment and just get out there and enjoy life, she was so lovely!

She said that she feels I've got myself into a vicious cycle of worrying/anxiety which is making breathing difficult, which I'm then panicking about etc etc so she's given me a 2 day course of diazepam (eek!) to try and just give me a bit of calm and break the cycle.

Am a bit freaked out that I've been given it, but am happy to take it if it chills me out a bit. She's been very clear that I will not be given any more, it's very much just a short term thing for the next couple of days.

So, any tips on how to handle anxiety?! :blush:

03-05-13, 11:12
I am a constant worrier, so I know how you're feeling. It's fantastic that the doctor sat you down and explained what's going on.

It's about training your mind to dismiss these thoughts. When ever I get a paranoid/anxious thought I close my eyes and shout inside my head "NO! NO! YOU WILL NOT STOP ME!" and saying that over and over again silences the thoughts and I carry on on my merry way.

Keeping yourself activity, mentally and physically, really helps with anxiety. Make sure you're exercising enough, and this glorious sunshine really helps with anxiety :) spend about half an hour outside so your body benefits from the VitD and melanin.

03-05-13, 13:31
That's very interesting about the oxygen level being at 100%. Everytime I am at the doctor and they check I am either 99 or 100%. Overbreathing must be my issue too as I am always anxious at the doctors.

The diazepam should relax you a bit and stop you stressing about everything, which will hopefully break the cycle as you have only been suffering a relatively short time.

It's nutjobs like me who will take a long time to break the habit as it's now been 21 years lol :D