View Full Version : Swollen lymph nodes/lumps

03-05-13, 12:19
So for the past two months or so I've been noticing more and more of what seems like swollen lymph nodes to me, there is a good chance they've always been there and fat loss and me constantly checking myself is the reason I'm noticing them. They're all very small, firmish but not hard, quite rubbery, moveable and for the most part for what I can tell not matted together. They sound non-malignant, and I've been to the doctor the first time I discovered two on my neck which he checked, then checked my other glands, temperature, looked for infection etc. and said it's nothing to worry about and to come for a follow up in 5 days, so I came back and he said the same thing and sent me away. Couple of weeks later I felt another one on my neck and went to him, again he did a similar check, except not so thorough this time and told me again it's nothing to worry about, I'm not currently in the UK so I have to pay every time I go to the doctor, I asked him if I should worry if I find more and he said if they're similar to this then it's absolutely nothing to worry about and in his opinion I'd be wasting my money to come in and see him for it, he also said that he's so sure it's nothing he doesn't want to waste my time and money with another blood test. He did, however, tell me that I could come in and see him if it puts my mind at ease and that he's in every day. Recently I keep checking myself and find what I think are lumps and it frustrates me and I get anxious and nervous, they're not very obvious lumps for the most part and I only find them because I'm constantly checking myself, sometimes I find a lump then have to search a bit to find it again. I'm almost certain that it's all in my head but sometimes I think to myself that I'm in denial and I want to believe it's in my head when it's not. I've lost my grandmother and a friend recently (the first death almost perfectly coincided with the first lump I found, and the second one has made me more anxious about symptoms and other lumps), so I think it may just be anxiety, but I'm really nervous and worried. Should I seek a second opinion? Should I go back to the same doctor and voice my concerns, perhaps ask him to recommend a therapist if he thinks it's health anxiety? Thanks in advance

03-05-13, 15:16
Stop checking yourself for swollen glands. Swollen glands wont have to
Be felt for to be noticeable, that's how you will know. I've been there with the gland worry and u will just find more and more and more. Stop touching them and tell yourself that if there is anything to worry about, a gland will be massive and extremely noticeable. You're fine x

04-05-13, 11:14
Stop checking yourself for swollen glands. Swollen glands wont have to
Be felt for to be noticeable, that's how you will know. I've been there with the gland worry and u will just find more and more and more. Stop touching them and tell yourself that if there is anything to worry about, a gland will be massive and extremely noticeable. You're fine x

Thanks for the reply its made me feel a bit better, but I don't know why I just can't stop worrying and panicking, I feel ear pressure or a dull head ache or pain anywhere and I freak out, I'm finding small lumps all over my body and I have no clue what it is. Nothing instantly noticeable to most people but I notice them. I want to see a doctor but I don't at the same time partly because I think I won't be taken seriously, partly because I'm worried it'll be something bad. Do you have any suggestions on ways to stop feeling anxiety?