View Full Version : Does anybody else feel weird after sleeping?

03-05-13, 14:33
When I don't sleep one night and then the next night I do sleep I always feel weird the next day. I feel realy tingly all over and it feels like my heart is beating way to fast and hard! I also feel like I am absoloutly exhausted and I find it hard to breathe. Sometimes after I have been sat down for a while when I stand up every thing goes black and I can't see! My legs also go to jelly. This has been happening to me for years and I just wondered if anybody else gets these symptoms or is it just me?

03-05-13, 15:18
It my be low blood pressure which is not harmful. Just get out of bed slowly, maybe have a wee snack before bed. It may also be anxiety if you are scared of feeling like this.The other thing is if I have a nap in the day it makes me feel really wierd so I dont do this anymore.

03-05-13, 15:36
Thanks for the reply, the last time I had my blood pressure checked it was normal so I'm not sure it's that. I suppose it is just anxiety I just hate feeling like this.

04-05-13, 10:20
I've been feeling like this these last few days, feeling my heart beating in my arms and legs and feeling trembly, tingly, and a bit uncoordinated. I've been putting it down to a lack of decent sleep and that I immediately start worrying when I wake up early.

I shouldn't think it's anything to worry about, and will pass as we start to relax a bit more at night and in the morning (I hope!).

04-05-13, 14:39
I feel like this quite a lot. In fact it has been going on since last year on and off. I have no idea what is happening to be honest, have had loads of tests and have nothing life threatening to my knowledge. Mine is definitely worse when I am tired and anxious (which is constantly) it is really horrible. Deep breathing helps me but not much else.

04-05-13, 15:06
Thanks for replying! It is good to know that I'm not alone in feeling like this. I just keep worrying that it is something more serious although I know that is probably the anxiety talking! I have told the doctor about feeling like this but he didn't seem worried.