View Full Version : Feels like my heart is being squeezed. Please help!

03-05-13, 15:27
Hi everyone,

For the last half an hour or so i've been getting the sensation in my chest like something is squeezing my heart, it's a little painful. It comes and goes and it's really scaring me. It kind of feels like the pain is in my back as well, right behind my heart. To clarify, I wasn't anxious at all when this started, so it can't be anxiety related. I'm 25 years old, I could stand to lose a few kilos, but i'm in no way obese. When i've had my blood pressure checked it's always been good, in fact on the lower side of the normal scale. I've had a Holter monitor put on a couple of times, as my heartbeat tends to be rather rapid, even when i'm not anxious, but the results have always been clear apart from the fast heart rate. I did visit a cardiologist a couple of years back and had an ultrasound of my heart, everything was fine except that apparently I have a small hole in my heart that normally closes before birth, but didn't in my case. To be honest, my diet has been very poor lately, too much fatty take-away food, I don't know if that could have something to do with it. Has anyone had this before, i'm really worrying here. Any replies will be greatly appreciated.

03-05-13, 15:56

Sorry I have no idea what you are experiencing but I can confirm that anxiety can happen even when you are not anxious. My very first panic attack occurred whilst I was asleep in bed and woke me up and I had never had one before that.
I occasionally get a pain that I would swear is actually in my heart but I have been told that although the pain is real, it is caused by anxiety. I actually went to A&E before because of it and my left arm was aching and so was my left shoulder/collarbone.
It is awful mind you and I myself cannot settle without professional reassurance but when you have anxiety you cannot keep seeking this as you will never get better.

Hope it subsides soon and puts your mind at ease.

04-05-13, 11:37
Thanks for the reply,

The pain and sensation eventually stopped, I really don't know what it was. If it happens again i'll talk to my GP about it.

04-05-13, 11:55
Hi Chrissy, I have had the squeezing sensation too and rushed to hospital with it because it scared me, twice! It is just anxiety. I had all sorts of tests done and they assured me it was anxiety. Glad its passed now for you. Remember you are not alone :hugs: