View Full Version : Hi everyone :)

03-05-13, 15:51
Hi all, I am Sarah, and a anxiety sufferer or so they tell me, I hope that being on here helps me cope with some of my symptoms and hopefully make some new friends just like me, recently I have been prescribed anti-depressants but I am yet to start them, I am having a tough time of late with a feeling of my tongue swelling, has anyone else experienced this symptom? :shrug:Thanks for reading x

03-05-13, 16:36
Hi Sarah :welcome:
I'm sure you will find the forum very friendly and helpful. I'm sorry that you are going through this but know you are not alone!
I haven't experienced the feeling of tongue swelling but I'm sure others have.
Take care,
J x

03-05-13, 17:06
Hi Sarah. Welcome aboard. You've certainly found a good place to be.

I'm sure you'll find lots of support here, as I have.

03-05-13, 18:36
A big welcome to the site Sarah :) Its a great little community and I'm sure you'll find lots of comfort and support.

Wishing you all the best

03-05-13, 20:01
Thanks for all the hellos guys, I have surfed the forum a while and am relieved to hear that I am not the only one with this symptom ( not that I would wish it on anyone ) apparently it seems to be quite common amongst panic attack /anxiety sufferers and it has put my mind at rest a little :) if anyone needs a friendly shoulder feel free, I have big ones :)

03-05-13, 20:05
Hello Sarah
You'll be amazed at how many people suffer with anxiety or depression or both, unfortunately its something that lots of people don't talk about. Which is part of the problem! If we spoke about it more, we would understand it more :)
This is a lovely site with lots of friendly people
Best of luck :)

03-05-13, 20:14
I am so glad to be here for the first time in weeks I can breathe a little, thanks again for having me x