View Full Version : Metalic taste/de ja vu :-(

03-05-13, 16:30
I keep getting a metallic taste in my mouth that won't go away and also recently I have had de ja vu a few times. I am terrified its a brain tumour :-(. The metallic taste is sometimes only on one side so can't be anxiety. I am so scared :-( please help me.

03-05-13, 18:17
Are you on any new medication by any chance? If so, that could explain the taste in your mouth. I would always have it 20/30 minutes after taking one of my old sleeping tablets.

03-05-13, 18:56
No I am not on any new tablets. Worried :-(

03-05-13, 20:50
I've had a metal taste now for 2 months, know it changed the roof of my mouth is really sore and sometimes it changes from metal to salt and my mouth is very dry. My psych said last week it is anxiety related not sure as I've had bad anxiety the last 18 mths, and this only started 2 months ago.

Does your med say on the symptom leaflet anything about metalic taste?
Or do you take zopiclone as this does

04-05-13, 09:00
Hi There, I am only taking thyroxine which I have been on for over 7 years so I know it's not that. It is ALWAYS there. I hope you get rid of the taste on your mouth.