View Full Version : Hi there folks

03-05-13, 21:23
Hi there, I'm a 21 year old student who was diagnosed with GAD 3 years ago, after a period of constant panic-attacks and agoraphobia.

More recently, I've been struggling with a constant state of health anxiety. Due to stressors in my life currently, such as my recently completed dissertation and my impending final year of university, I started to have almost constant anxiety attacks and worry about my health. I was started on a course of SSRIs, but the side effects from them just made my worrying worse. Since then I've kind of been in a constant state of tension and worry, and was feeling awful all of the time from worrying about why I was ill and whether I had some sort of horrible brain disease.

Even a few days later, where I can have periods of feeling much better and completely normal like I used to, I am constantly dipping into worrying about my health and whether I have some horrible disease, and am pissing off everyone I know asking for reassurance.

I hope that I can find some help here, and maybe help some others who have the same problems as me!

03-05-13, 21:50
Hi and :welcome:

I'm sure you will find lots of help, advice and support here :hugs:

03-05-13, 21:56
Hello Soup
Your among friends here, so relax, speak your mind and talk as much as you wish :)
Reassurance has to come from within (easier said then done, I know) However you can be assured of this, this site is full of lovely people who are prepared to listen and advise. Take advantage of that :)
Wishing you all the luck :)

03-05-13, 22:43
Glad to have you with us.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.

03-05-13, 23:09
Thanks guys, it's nice to feel welcome!

I'm making a little progress with the CBT and counselling, and it's just nice to know that there is a place that understands health anxiety as a different thing to general or social anxiety (not that they are any easier to deal with, or any less serious), and I definitely hope that even when I'm starting to feel better, I can stick around and try and contribute to help others.

03-05-13, 23:18
A big welcome to the site :) I'm sure you'll find lots of comfort and support here!

Wishing you the best