View Full Version : My baby niece banged her head on the floor! I'm scared for her! need some reassuranc?

03-05-13, 22:11
Hi there,

My 9month old baby niece was sitting down and she fell back and hit the back of the head on the floor,
My sister told me this over the phone, and I can't stop worrying that she will get brain damage, or other problems,

I hope it wasnt too hard!

She said the baby cried for about 5 minutes, and went to sleep not long after,
she cried again while waking up, and my sister noticed a bruise,

My mum thinks she will be fine, and its quite common for babies to fall back, but im not to sure if thats correct!

I'm just very worried for her at the moment!
I don't want her to be in pain!

Has anyone been in this situation before?

Many Thanks

03-05-13, 22:29
Babies do indeed bang their heads all the time. Her mum knows her best, and will know if she's in pain or behaving differently.

03-05-13, 23:31
Babies indeed have very tough heads for all those bumps and bangs they endure. The crying may have been from her getting frightened because of the fall. Mom can watch her and see if she notices any changes since mom knows her behavior best. I'm by no means a doctor but i am a nurse in an ER. Hope I've helped a little bit. Try some ice packs to where the bruise formed and ibuprofen. That will help with pain.

04-05-13, 14:20
Babies do indeed bang their heads all the time. Her mum knows her best, and will know if she's in pain or behaving differently.

Babies indeed have very tough heads for all those bumps and bangs they endure. The crying may have been from her getting frightened because of the fall. Mom can watch her and see if she notices any changes since mom knows her behavior best. I'm by no means a doctor but i am a nurse in an ER. Hope I've helped a little bit. Try some ice packs to where the bruise formed and ibuprofen. That will help with pain.

Hi, thanks to both of you,

She seems fine today, Smiling, still mumbles the same things as before, such as nan nan, mum mum, but I feel she was not as talkative,
Her head is still abit red apparently, and it was a wood floor she was hurt on :weep:

Probably I'm just being a bit OCD!

Hopefully is all good!