View Full Version : Is it only me..

03-05-13, 22:47
Hi all... Having a really crappy day today and just need some moral support!!
I suffer from what I have self diagnosed (research!) with GAD.. About 4 years ago for 6 months I had the worst time of my life instructive thoughts, no sleeping, constantly worrying... It was awful... And guess what... It's back!! This time I'm having the horrible butterflies in my tummy the horrible horrible thoughts going through my head and i know that's all they are but I HATE them , random horrible sentences getting stuck and going over and over in head and the new one this time round mind chatter... Not like hearing voices but just random words, sentences, conversations going on that make absolutely no sense! It's not constant - normally when I am trying to relax or trying to concentrate at work in a really quiet office! I know it's all anxiety but just want to know if anyone else has done through this... It's driving me crazy! I get married in 4 months and so want tips to pass - I don't want this ruining my day!
Thankfully I'm not moody or irritable... I just need to know I'm not alone. In this and that I really am not going crazy and that it will
Pass!!! Thanks guys!! Xx

03-05-13, 22:56
Hi Jayne :welcome:
You are certainly not alone and you are 100% not going crazy!
You have come to the right place to find support and to find people with similar experiences
Wishing you all the best,
J x

04-05-13, 09:40
Hi Jayne,
I think you will find that every person here at some point or another has experienced part or all of what you are right now, I myself suffered with self diagnosed GAD about 13 years ago for over a year, and only recently it has reared its ugly head, so no you are not alone by far, being on here is helping me lots its full of lovely people in the same boat as us stay strong hun everything will be ok:winks: