View Full Version : High blood pressure

04-05-13, 01:32
No idea if this is the right place for this. When my husband was in hospital last week for a pituitary tumour biopsy, they found his blood pressure was high - fair enough, it was probably a stressful day.

When he had it checked at our doc's today it as even higher - 180/110, no excuses this time. I Googled (I know) and found this described as dangerously high. Nothing is being done as a matter of urgency, he's to go back and have more blood taken for tests next Friday.

I have no idea if this is related to the tumour or not. Anyone have any insight on what this sort of level of blood pressure means? Thanks.

04-05-13, 02:19
my blood preasure was this high and they put me on tabs but when it was first found to be high when i had my first panic attack mine was 230 or 240 over 140 and they didnt give me anything for it
then i had to see out of hours gp the next day and he said why didnt they give u anything but they can do a lot to traet it and allthough its at the high end atleast they are aware of it he could have white coat syndrome so they will probably give him a 24 hour blood preasure monitor to see if this is the case mine went down to about 180 when i started the tabs then they upped them and now it sits around 130/90 and can still go up to 170 with stress because of white coat syndrome

as with it beng related to the other problems i cant answer that

frosty x

04-05-13, 21:19
My partner had to wear one of those 24 hour monitors. her blood pressure was high. after that she's been taking medication for it and now it's under control. She didn't know her blood pressure was high, it's because the doctor insisted on taking it that we found out. because she gets very nervous at the surgery, that's why she had the monitor on to get a true reading.
It could be stress related for your husband with being at the hospital.... I do know that before they give people medication, they will do tests etc to before giving anything to anyone to ensure the meds will agree with their body. I was trying to remember how soon my partner got her meds but they didn't rush it.
I hope all goes ok and am thinking of you.

04-05-13, 21:37
Jane, I've had times when mine has been there and higher - don't worry. :hugs:

06-05-13, 10:44
Thanks for the reassuarances everyone, I was just concerned they should be doing something more quickly than they are. With all that has been going on, my anxiety is pretty high at the moment and it doesn't take much for it to rocket xx