View Full Version : Terrible brain tumour anxiety. Opinions?

04-05-13, 01:35
Some of my symptoms:

- Sometimes dizziness
- Constant headaches (for about 10 years) ALL the time that worsen when I lay on my right or left sides
- Head pressure that is centred in the top front of my head that worsens when I lay down or bend over. (Which could maybe be a sinus issue)
- I have twitching in my eyelids, arms, legs
- Clicking in both ears when I swallow, also sometimes a dull pain (For almost 10 years too)
- Constant ringing in ears
- Sharp pains that come and go all over my head but mostly on the right side
- I also sometimes get this sharp pain in my left shoulder that comes maybe once every 3 weeks. It scares the shit out of me because it's just a stabbing pain for about 2 seconds
- Head pains when I look down
- Sensative to flashing lights
- Sometimes a burning type feeling in head, or a cold feeling
- I sometimes get tingles in my fingers, and even a dull pain in my shoulders, elbows, and back

Two weekends ago I decided to go to the doctor (for the first time for this) because I was severely dizzy every time I looked down, I had severe headaches, tingles in my face, pressure over my right eye, and weakness in my right arm and leg. I explained to him about all my symptoms, and he did some small neurological tests on me, checked my blood pressure, and I got some blood work done (still waiting for results) and he told me I was in perfect health and how it was all a result from anxiety. My dizziness went away a week later and so did the facial pins and needles.

I'm really worried because it seems like I have a brain tumour :(

04-05-13, 18:56
No one gets the same symptoms or anything alike ?

04-05-13, 20:29
I've had every thing you mentioned except the dizziness and the "burning" pain, along with floaters, odd clear circular things in my eyes when I look up after waking up, and a host of other head, hearing and vision issues. Your doctor is probably onto something when he says it's anxiety, but if you're still concerned about it, ask him for an MRI or CT scan. If those catch nothing (and they probably will), you're fine.

04-05-13, 23:30
I get most of those symptoms, and I too worry about brain tumor.
The constant right sided head pressure, just above the ear, eye pain (sometimes) ringing in I think both ears but can't quite tell, or just the left. I get headaches sometimes but the headpressure is constantly there.
And yes the burning feeling...it'll last for about.. a couple of seconds and it's in a small area, maybe size of a 10P I only recently started getting this last week whilst sitting my exam at uni..
But most of my symptoms have been going on since Novemeber.

05-05-13, 03:01
I used to have major brain tumour issues, to the point where I'd be at the hospital every single week. Until I got a really nice dr who explained something to me....people with untreated brain tumours survive for 1 year and that is the absolute max! So if you've been getting the same headaches for more than 12months then it can not be a brain tumour. And is completely down to anxiety. I have had and still sometimes have all those symptoms, u have to think anxiety affects all the vital organs including the brain. Therefore if they are affected by the nerve ending there will be symptoms. And usually symptoms mimic motor illness. However 99.9% of the time it's just anxiety causing your body to stress. Remember this saying it helps "90% of things we worry about never happen"

05-05-13, 03:40
I used to have major brain tumour issues, to the point where I'd be at the hospital every single week. Until I got a really nice dr who explained something to me....people with untreated brain tumours survive for 1 year and that is the absolute max! So if you've been getting the same headaches for more than 12months then it can not be a brain tumour. And is completely down to anxiety. I have had and still sometimes have all those symptoms, u have to think anxiety affects all the vital organs including the brain. Therefore if they are affected by the nerve ending there will be symptoms. And usually symptoms mimic motor illness. However 99.9% of the time it's just anxiety causing your body to stress. Remember this saying it helps "90% of things we worry about never happen"

Thank you everyone for your responses.

Kieran_miller 91, I never really thought of it in that way. Thank you! I'm going in for my blood tests results tomorrow, and of course my anxiety is pretty bad at the moment. I'm just trying to stay relaxed.
What you said has really calmed me down though because that IS true.:yesyes:
It's crazy how anxiety can have that effect on the human body.

Thanks again,

05-05-13, 05:12
I have had every single symptom you mentioned, and also too thought it was a tumor. That was 22 years ago.

Trust me when I say anxiety can do this to you...I have definitely been there.

05-05-13, 07:04
I have had every single symptom you mentioned, and also too thought it was a tumor. That was 22 years ago.

Trust me when I say anxiety can do this to you...I have definitely been there.

Thanks so much for the response.
Oh wow, I find it crazy what anxiety can do to you.
Did you also get headaches that worsen when laying down on your right and left sides?