View Full Version : Do you have a best friend?

04-05-13, 10:55
I fell out with my best friend a few years back because she started getting jealous of me and my boyfriend and said she felt like the odd one out when we hung out as a 3... ??well durr lol

Anyway she's re added me on facebook but i no it would cause great tension between me and my bf if i spoke to her again, he said he doesn't want to see me get hurt again because i was super depressed and upset at the time and it caused me the the bf to argue lots

But to the point... i miss having a best friend :( I have lots of other good friends i see weekly and i've learnt to express myself more with people.

Just miss that close bond with 1 friend.

04-05-13, 12:29
I lost most of my friends 10 years ago when i was married..but lost contact with my best est friend to...I miss not having my best buddy..it takes years to get a good best friend..

04-05-13, 13:33
My brother is my best friend pretty much, he's always there for me and I for him most of the time. Not had a great week, so he is going to the cinema with me tonight, how he has the patience for me I will never know.

04-05-13, 16:09
I don't have a best friend either, and haven't for a long time. I also miss it.

Maybe she doesn't want to try and be best friends again. Maybe just re-contact you and maybe even apologise. It's up to you, of course, but maybe she deserves a second chance - or perhaps not. You can always unfriend her if it doesn't work out.

04-05-13, 16:45
I do not have a best friend, I have had friends but do have trouble confiding and opening up to people. My husband is fine but he does not understand GAD and HA so there is lot I have to keep to myself. It must be nice to a friend you can tell everything to!

04-05-13, 16:51
yes I have a an old friend that I have only just confided to about the problems I'm having, although i'm sure she had an inkling.

04-05-13, 17:08
I have a very good friend, she helps me with a lot of stuff and I feel I can be open with her knowing everything I say will be kept between us. People have often suggested we should be an item but this will never happen, I see her more as a sister.
As gregcool says, it takes many years before you can call someone your best friend.

04-05-13, 17:12
Like you me and my bestfriend fell out years ago, we didnt talk for around 5 years and then she got back in contact. My partner was also weary of it all as like u i was really upset.
We have been meeting up again, the first time we went for a drink together it was amazing like we had never been away. we have both grown up massively and things are very differant now,we are both differant people but at the same time we have that bond and im so glad we did get back in contact again. Hope this helps a little xx

04-05-13, 19:14
I also parted company with my best friend when I settled down. Parted company with all my friends actually. Miss them now.

06-05-13, 00:32
I have a few friends but not a best friend in the true sense of the word - someone i can confide in and who is there for me. I have one friend who is a bit closer than the rest but sadly i've noticed that she doesn't understand my problems. She knows i suffer from anxiety and depression but ive noticed than whenever i try to text or talk about anything that's worrying me, its useless. It's really noticeable with texting...if i text something funny or some smalltalk i get a reply straight away. If its something where i could do with some support, i don't get a reply.

I guess what i mean to say is i've found people just switch off when anxiety is involved
:-( If they've experienced it themselves it's a bit different, if they haven't, it seems very hard to relate to.