View Full Version : Really hate myself now :o(

04-05-13, 11:20
I was due to have a lovely day out - dad drives me to Bristol, have my hair done, spend the afternoon with a friend and then she drives me back. But I feel like I've been going downhill since tuesday and I just can't cope with it. So I've got dad disgusted with me, I've let my friend down and now I'm at home sobbing :o(

Things started to feel better recently so what's this all about? I feel like I'm pushing everyone away and noone's able to help me :weep:

04-05-13, 15:44
We all have good days and bad days and I know how overwhelming it can feel sometimes having to go somewhere even if it is something you have previously been looking forward too. Try not to let this little setback get you down I am sure that everybody will understand. My therapist told me that even though it is hard you sometimes have to fight fear with fear you might surprise yourself and realise that you can cope even though you think you can't. Hope this helps!

04-05-13, 17:19
I can totally relate to that, as I'm having a similar problem at the moment. I don't understand it either, today I'm not too bad but yesterday was a nightmare from start to finish and yet it was such a beautiful day, I kept thinking to myself "I shouldn't be like this". Who knows what tomorrow will bring. Keep strong, we're all thinking of you:hugs:

04-05-13, 18:42
Thanks guys :)
I have been trying to fight fear with fear - I was doing the online CTB4PANIC and I was really seeing some improvement. I felt calm and relaxed whilst travelling, even thinking I might start to enjoy it! Then I had a massive panic attack, and I've been feeling ill ever since. I'm now worried about travelling along the same spot (anticipatory anxiety I know), but I'm sure I'll overcome it once I start to feel well again.