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View Full Version : Eventually want kids but terrified of pregnancy

04-05-13, 14:05
So I have a real fear about this.
I really want kids in a few years - I am 24 & want kids when I am 26/27
However the more I think about it, the more I am petrified.
Its the idea of a life growing inside me, the idea thar I am not in control of what happens.
There can be any number of variables when in labour, I also think I might die in childbirth.
I have a ridiculously low pain threshold and hate the idea of being in labour in hospital and everyone seeing me giving birth.

I dont really know what the best thing to do is.

04-05-13, 14:08
Think about it this way, millions of people do it all the time and live to tell the tale - my friend loved being pregnant ;)

04-05-13, 18:59
I too was really worried about this. I spoke to a friend the other day and she asked why I was so worried and I said it was because I was a worrier. She said her sister is a big time worrier with panic attacks and everything but she was suprisingly calm when it came to her kids. When the situation comes you might surprise yourself. x

04-05-13, 19:16
I have always been anxious and a worrier and I have 3 children. I really wanted children so for me strangely, I wasn't so worried about my pregnancy. Once you get a lovely baby in your arms it is all worth while :). Death from child birth is very, very rare these days so I wouldn't worry about that one. The people seeing you give birth (apart from your boyfriend/hubby) have seen it many times before so there is nothing to worry about there. It is such a lovely experience. I too have a low pain threshold but you are given pain relief and you are so busy giving birth and concentrating on that, that you don't notice so much of what is going on.