View Full Version : Found a good GP at last

04-05-13, 15:47
I have been having a terrible time of it with Anxiety, Depression etc.. since New Year. My Dr has been completely useless :mad: I heard of a local one known for his treatment of anxiety and depression and have managed to get on his books. What a difference a good Doctor makes! He is understanding, effecient and supportive. Has knows the ins and outs of all the medication and has changed mine ( too early to see if its going to help yet) and has filed me for some counselling/therapy within the next couple of weeks.Something I haven't had in 4 months with my old doctor. I may not be back to myself but at last I feel like progress has been made and I wonder if I had had him as my dr all along wether it would've spared me unnecceasy suffering. My other Dr was always trying to get my to lower my meds, which I did and had two reccurrant bouts of symptoms. My new Dr says it may be that I have to stay on them for the rest of my life...doesn't matter as long as i'm happy...agreed.

04-05-13, 16:10
That's really good news! I hope the new meds work for you, but it all sounds really positive that you're going to get the treatment you deserve now.

04-05-13, 16:35
That's great! I'm lucky to have a good GP who really seems to understand. Unfortunately I had to see another one whilst my usual was on leave and she told me that I need to stop thinking about the negative things as much - if only it was that easy!
So glad you have got the support you deserve.
J x