View Full Version : I think Crohns has finally caught me...

04-05-13, 16:24
Mum has Crohns...

Three weeks ago my contact lenses started to irritate the hell out of me while I was on antibiotics for something else.

Then I got diarrhoea 8 days ago...

I saw a doctor, she thinks antibiotics are the cause, am waiting on a stool sample result.

However, today I saw an optician and I've got 'allergic conjunctivitis' potentially caused by hayfever/dust/lenses, but it's also a known side effect of having Crohn's disease.

I'm going to arrange to see a doctor this week and demand further investigation.

I just don't want a permanent stoma like my mum, I'm uncomfortable enough about my body as it is.

I'm determined to stay strong, have resigned myself to having this illness now. Just hoping that giving up smoking, and staying strong I can still make the most out of my life and hopefully delay the onset of any serious issues. Stay with me guys, I think I'm going to need you lot in these coming weeks...

04-05-13, 16:31
I have Crohn's

I have never heard of the eye problems being a side effect though.

I do not have a stoma

Crohn's is not fun but we learn to live with it.

I am sure you will be fine and not have it.

04-05-13, 17:08
Hi Nicola

I know it's a weird one, just the sudden onset of diarrhoea with it is the bit that has me worried. I'm not in pain though which is promising, my mum has reassured me on that. But I'd just like to think that I'm prepared if it is this, and if it's not, that's amazing.

I'm just sick of worrying, I want to accept the possibility.

04-05-13, 17:16
Anti-biotics casuse diarrhea though so it is most likely to be that if the timings co-incide?

04-05-13, 17:26
I finished the two week course of antibiotics 5 days before the diarrhoea started, and it still doesn't explain the eye infection. D has been continual for 8 days as well.

04-05-13, 18:03
I hope you get the answers you need and it isn't Crohn's. Let us know.

04-05-13, 18:11
Thank you Nicola, I'll be back to update if anyone cares. Thanks for replying Nicola, I needed just to shout out those thoughts :)

04-05-13, 18:39
No worries and we do care so please do let us know