View Full Version : Question about herpes contraction?

04-05-13, 16:55
Hello. I have a question about herpes. I used a tobacco pipe at a friends house minutes after someone may have used it. What are the chances of me contracting herpes from this said pipe? I didn't share it with anyone at the time but someone used to before me

I also wiped it down with my shirt before hand.

The thing is I'm not very knowledgeable when it comes to herpes so I don't know how long it lasts out the body. Thanks

04-05-13, 17:18
Skin to skin contact only so unless u also kissed them - your fine and anyways I wouldn't worry - millions upon millions of people get cold sores! It's not harmful or much of a problem - I've never had it but loads of my friends do n class it as a minor annoyance x

05-05-13, 04:30
Pretty unlikely you would get it from what you've described. I wouldn't worry if I were you.