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View Full Version : What do people do when unemployed ?

04-05-13, 17:45
I don't worry Saturdays and have done nothing today.
I work mon-fri though.
I've been in all day and all I've done is eat and eat every hour out of boredom. Chocolate, ice cream, ate a whole cucumber and ten raw carrots, three rounds of sandwiches, dinner, breakfast, yoghurts etc, plums, bananas.
This makes my anxiety so much worse. I am terrified of loosing my job what do you do when unemployed?

04-05-13, 18:20
I use my tablet or laptop and play games online or come on here. or I might have a relaxation day where I paint my nails or face masks. it can be quite boring though I've been out of work for 3 years due to my depression anxiety and I must admit it can quite boring to the point where all u want to do is eat loads of crap. when I worked I hardly eat I dint have breakfast then I worked 12 till 2 I eat around 3pm then picked my daughter up.

04-05-13, 18:23
Yes I've been on my ipad all day.
My friends are busy otherwise I would of done something today.
Already made plans for next Saturday.
No plans for tomorrow though.
I've played games, read a book, ate and surfed the net. Bored.com lol!
Oh and had two baths out of boredom. Made a music playlist etc

04-05-13, 18:32
lol 2 baths in one day lol. yeah I wanted to go the cinema with friends and her kids and she was going Blackpool for the day ive nothing planned for 2mora but hoover dust and tidy my bedroom done my living room today. its my birthday and wedding anniversary Monday so hubby taking me for a meal.

04-05-13, 18:48
Monday going to see my grandma. My friend works a bar job so bank holiday is asked to work. Other friend busy with family.
I only have three friends. One I only see very rarely as his at uni.
Tomorrow going to clean my bedroom furniture, change bedding and Hoover room.

04-05-13, 18:55
It is a good question asi think it is important to keep yourself busy when you have anxiety-something which I'm not good at doing myself!
The added problem with being unemployed on top of too much free time is having no money so you have to get creative with finding things to do.
Getting outside is a good time waster especially in the good weather, either walking, running or jogging not only keeps you occupied but you also get exersize which helps anxiety.
I do lots of boring things like read, play games on my ipad, watch TV etc but I'm looking forward to me better suggestions on this thread of things to do!
Doing volunteer work is also something to occupy your time and also a good way to make friends etc-there are websites that list volunteer jobs local to your area.

04-05-13, 19:10
Yes agreed. I'm not unemployed but have spent the day with no plans today and one days ok even two but I'd hate to loose my job. :)