View Full Version : Cr*ppy work situation has my anxiety back in force.

04-05-13, 19:12
I've been pretty much anxiety free for a good number of years now, well I say anxiety free I think I was living in my comfort zone but now even my comfort zone is helping.

I was made redundant at the start of last year and with all that free time on my hands and no routine I was slipping back to depression and anxiety so I needed a job. Found one applied and got called for an interview, got offered the job on the spot so accepted things were looking up, that was April 2012.

First day I found out i'd been had, the job I accepted was gone or rather never existed, but this other job was available. Its clear now why they never advertised it as no one would take it but I couldn't refuse as I'd lose my benefits, but this is the start of the nightmare.

I won't go into all the details of it but it has brought my anxiety back in full force along with all the other symptoms, the heart palpitations which I was glad to see the back of are back, I have the old IBS and diarrhea attacks back, I have trouble sleeping again and often have that dream like state I forget its name depersonalisation? constant heart burn, and I just feel constantly on edge again.

I did see my doctor about it when I started having these symptoms back in September last year and his advice was to speak to the HR department about my stress etc which I did do but it was brushed under the carpet.

I am just at the end of my tether with this and its on my mind constantly, even when I sleep I dream about work and how much I hate that place, its almost like PTSD. I've thrown everything but the kitchen sick at trying to find another job ever since I started but have gotten know where.

I am just mentally shattered and drained from stress, anxiety, job hunting, depression and I can't see an end in sight.

Can anyone offer any advice?

04-05-13, 22:26
Huge sympathy, what a horrible situation. Have you seen you Dr since last September- sounds as though your symptoms are worse and his/ her response might well be different now. If not, can you see a different Dr/ change. My experience of HR is similarly negative- do you belong to a Union or is there one you can join? I found my Union rep helpful in dealing with Management dues to my work related stress.

05-05-13, 09:18
I would go back to HR and make it clear how much its affecting your health. I'd also follow up any conversations you have with them in an email so that you have proof.

The anxiety won't go until you tackle the problem so make it clear to HR that you need their help with that.

Hope you can get it sorted.

05-05-13, 13:11
I don't know what industry you're in, but if your job makes you feel so bad I think it's best to quit and spend the time looking for a new job. Your health is more important than any job. If you explain that the employer misrepresented the job, I don't see how the job centre can cut off your benefits. It's probably best to speak to the citizens advice bureau to see what rights you have in this regard. You can also discuss with your doctor if you need any extra support eg meds review, therapy etc.