26-09-06, 06:59
Unfortunately I was unable to get on the chat room last night when Lawrence Leyton was on. Can anyone share with me any tips or suggestions that he made.


26-09-06, 08:42
i couldnt get in either, would love to hear how it went.

I think Nicola is going to post up the chat.

Becci x

26-09-06, 08:44
isnt it suppose to be the 29 of this month that the chat person comeing
dont take this right cus i may be wng

26-09-06, 08:46
it was lastnight bell.

Becci x

26-09-06, 08:48
oh lmao i went to bed early cus i was knackered so i missed it aswell

26-09-06, 09:20
Seemed he was advertising his products just like the rest of them. That’s my opinion anyway. Take care all. Vernon

26-09-06, 09:24
The answer isn’t spending a fortune on tapes, CD’s Videos and different courses. The answer is inside us all, we just need to find it. Some books are very good and give us some good tips and are a lot cheaper, even free if you use a library. Take care. Vernon

26-09-06, 15:48
i went in for about 10 minutes but he didnt seem to know a lot more than i do and lke vernon said i got the feeling he was using it to sell his software as he referred to it a lot. i went and cleaned the hamsters cage found it much better use of my time


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

26-09-06, 16:50
The fact that so many people were clambering to ask him questions must mean that several people see him as a source of knowledge.

I think it's only natural that he should refer to his software. If you were in his shoes, would you not mention it?

A couple of NMP members in the discussion had found his techniques really beneficial and I strongly hold the view that if you don't believe in a particular solution, it's never going to be the route for you.



And when you get the choice to sit it out or dance, I hope you dance.
~Mark Sanders and Tia Sillers

26-09-06, 16:52

i went in for about five minutes at the end and all he was talking about was his merchendise. a bit disappointing really. i agree with vernon, we are not going to get well by buying expensive software etc, but i do find books on panic helpful

mandy xxx

positive attitude brings positive results

26-09-06, 17:01
lol The WHOLE idea of him coming into chat was to discuss his software! not cure everyone! Lawrence never claims to be a miracle worker, he can only offer you the tools and the rest is up to you.

B x

26-09-06, 17:21
I have found places like this where we can exchange our knowledge with other anxiety sufferers and picking up tips and tricks from books have relay helped me. Places like this we have both new and long term sufferers, of all types of anxieties and depression. You name it and there is one here and ITS ALL FREE? Take care all. Vernon

26-09-06, 17:38
I did manage to get in and found some of it interesting. But it was VERY busy, which is understandable.

He did refer to his software, but some people were asking about it. Its handy good to know what the software does help with, so we can decide whether it might suit us. I do try to keep an open mind, which doesn't mean I'll buy everything.... my hubby says I'm a pessimist. But the TV programme really impressed me.

It was hard I think for him to chat with so many people at once in just an hour. Maybe if we didn't scare him too much he might come again? :)


26-09-06, 17:43

Lawrence will answer questions on his forum. But obviouslycant give out direct techniques, otherwise there would be no need for the software!


26-09-06, 19:03
Well it was packed for sure - so obviously there is an interest there!!

I like to remain opened minded because as I was fond of telling everyone last night, if I were told walking down the road naked with a potato on my head would cure it, then I would!![:I][:I]:D

Having said that I just stick to the old baby steps approach and a bit of Glenn Harrold for the moment. I mean Glenn Harrold isn't everybodies cup of tea but he relaxes me! So I think it's also horses for courses.

He did say some stuff that I thought interesting and sound actually and I will certainly watch with interest how this all pans out. I didn't see his programme but it did seem to have very impressive results.

Infact the charity Nopanic does offer an agrophobia cd which I have that I think is loosely the same type of approach. I haven't mastered the concept yet but it seems you imagine a place where you have been really happy in the past and also have to twitch fingers on each hand for yes and no responses.

I think we all by now realise what some of our negative thinking patterns are doing to us, so obviously those need to be addressed and replaced - it remains to be seen whether this is a valuable aid to doing that or not!

Oh and by the way someone left a lot of crumbs on the floor of the chatroom last night and neglected to sweep them up![:I][:I]:D

Love Piglet xx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

26-09-06, 19:34
I found it interesting, and it was nice to know that some members are benefiting from his techniques.
Would be nice if he could come back again sometime.



26-09-06, 19:42
As Piglets says we need to addres out thinking patterns. Has any one any good ideas how to help with that ?

Jenny xxxxx

26-09-06, 19:46
What did Laurance mean about making movies in your head?



26-09-06, 19:47
well I have been doing Lawrences software for 2 weeks now and have gradually ben doing short walks with no fear and going in shops ( with my daughter) I havent been in for ages, no fear. I have a 4 acre garden and I just walked 3/4 of it at dusk, no mobile (I FORGOT IT) empty house, for the 1st time in the 20 years I have lived here, I nearly danced back and feel so excited I want to go out again. So I will be keeping on with the software I think its brilliant.

Barb xxx

26-09-06, 19:55
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">well I have been doing Lawrences software for 2 weeks now and have gradually ben doing short walks with no fear and going in shops ( with my daughter) I havent been in for ages, no fear. I have a 4 acre garden and I just walked 3/4 of it at dusk, no mobile (I FORGOT IT) empty house, for the 1st time in the 20 years I have lived here, I nearly danced back and feel so excited I want to go out again. So I will be keeping on with the software I think its brilliant.

Barb xxx

<div align="right">Originally posted by Barb - 26 September 2006 : 20:47:27</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

26-09-06, 19:57
Sorry Barb. Meant to say WELL DONE . I can just see you dancing round your garden. Speak to you soon

Jen xxxxxxxxx

26-09-06, 20:07
Hi Jen I feel so excited I cant concentrate on my Man United game and you know how I love watching my team.

Barb xxx

26-09-06, 21:08
Barb, i would love to hear what techniques you have been using! ive had the software a week now and although i love it, im struggling just a little with it, as i cant 'tune in'
Ive beein doing technique 5 most, body matrix.

Becci x

26-09-06, 21:25
Hi Becci, Well I do the panic attack tape every day, ( really knocks me out) but feel great after and thats when i do most of my acheiving. i do the voice changer for any panic feelings, the body matrix ( tapping) is great in the car if you start to get panicky and quickly brings it down . the cinema takes practise its on at the start off the panick attack hypno session but you soon get into it. T ry doing the hypno tape every day and perhaps fit one other session in as they dont take long. Keep in touch and let me know how you get on.

Barb xxx

26-09-06, 21:31
Thanks Barb! its actually the hypnosis one i havent really done much, it freaked me out at first, thought i was hearing voices so i emailed lawrence straigh away to tell him i had the wizard of oz in my head!!! Then i realised its the echo! lol woops! ill keep you posted!

Becci x

26-09-06, 22:11
Ok I have posted here ...

Transcript for Lawrence Leyton Chat discussion (http://www.nomorepanic.co.uk/showthread.php?t=13483)


26-09-06, 22:18
I hope people don't think it was a waste of time. We have to remember that this is the first time we have had anyone of Lawerence's calibre come in the chat room and I know some people really enjoyed it.

Next time I need to organise it better but hey it was my first time too! I appreciate it was a bit mad in there but we will learn how to organise these things better.

If anyone wants to suggest any other professionals coming in the please do so and we can try and get them.

Lawrence offered his time for free so let's thank him for that at least please - not many will do that.


26-09-06, 22:37
lol how about..... brad pitt? i think he'd cure me in a second!!!
Can you do that!? he's professional and HOT!!!

B x

26-09-06, 23:57
Well I'm not sure that I believe him either BUT I can't imagine coming into a room with something like 30 people all throwing quesitons at you at once. It must have been kind of hard to sound professional while trying to remember what the order is and who's question to answer when.
He seemed like a nice enough guy. I think he even said sometime in there that he would come back again. Anyone else hear that or was it just the voices in my head - jk-lol ??
Was it a little disorganized - of course it was the first time we ever did something like that and it will take a few times to iron out all the kinks but it was very informative and the discussion afterward was a hoot :)
I know that Jon (AKA northmay) had said something about trying to get that David whatever (sorry I just am HORRIBLE with remembering names - not trying to be rude) to come in and do an hour.
Looking forward to it :)

27-09-06, 09:40
I think it was a brilliant night - it's so good that you organised this Nic and just goes to show again what a useful site this is and how varied the sources of help can be.

I did find the night very interesting and yes now we have had one of these 'event's' it will help us when organising another (hark at her 'helping', all she did was bring the Pringles)!!

I think the important thing is to remember we are all individuals and as such are going to find different approaches work better for some than for others, as long as we continue to welcome all visitors with respect then I am sure we will get more!! I think we did this even though it obviously wasn't everybody's cup of tea.

My kids were a bit gobsmacked when I told them to "shurrup I am talking to Lawrence Leyton off the telly" (like you do on a Mon night)!:D:D:D

Piglet xxx

"Supposing a tree fell down, Pooh, when we were underneath it?" said Piglet.
"Supposing it didn't," said Pooh after careful thought.

27-09-06, 16:26
Nic , any chance you could get Paul Mckenna in the chat room ?

I really like Paul Mckenna, on GMTV this week he was saying that he wants to try and cure the viewers because he really wants to help for free !!! He said over the next few weeks he will be curing people on gmtv and that we can download his cds for free on the Gmtv web site.:D



27-09-06, 17:54
Do the people who have bought the software feel like it is money well spent? How long does the course last???

I am desperate for a 'fix' to this problem and am willing to buy it if people think that it works.


27-09-06, 18:02
<b id="quote">quote:</b id="quote"><table border="0" id="quote"><tr id="quote"><td class="quote" id="quote">Do the people who have bought the software feel like it is money well spent? How long does the course last???

I am desperate for a 'fix' to this problem and am willing to buy it if people think that it works.


<div align="right">Originally posted by Panic1971 - 27 September 2006 : 18:54:09</div id="right">
</td id="quote"></tr id="quote"></table id="quote">

I dont feel like i wasted any money what so ever!
Ive been posting my success and few frustrations on the lawrence leyton forum, maybe you should go there and read a few posts. i think its a bargain compared to half the methods out ther at way over £100.

go to www.lawrenceleyton.com/forum if you want to read any posts, lawrence also posts there site too.

Becci x

27-09-06, 18:15
Thanks Becci - I will take a look.
Ann x

27-09-06, 19:14
Like Becci,its certainly worth the money, today I walked even further and my backs killing me because Im not used to it. Ann it lasts as long as you want it to as there are different sessions, I do one session and the hypno session for panic attacks every day. ( you have to work at it like everything) but the results are worth it for me.

Barb x

07-10-06, 07:50
Well after umming and ahhing for over a week on whether or not I should try the Lawrence Leyton software - I have finally bought it. Fingers crossed that it works. My panic/anxiety has been really bad this week so thought I have nothing to lose (apart from nearly £50).