View Full Version : Still feeling poorly, really worrying

26-09-06, 08:23
its making me anxious I feel so poorly.

Posted yesterday about how sick I was on saturday night, not sure if it was a bug or drinking on antibiotics but today I feel worse than ever, really dizzy, sickly tummy although I can eat fine but when ive eaten I feel worse, my head feels dizzy & my legs feel so weak. I feel dreadful, not sure if to go to dr or will I look silly and i was only there last week.

Got it in my head because noone else in the family has been sick that its a brain tumour, been suffering with my sinuses for months so worrying its something causing that pain, brain absess from having the sinusitis for months or something nasty. The weak legs and dizziness is frightening me. I have eaten yesterday night and today so why do I feel so weak? I have also slept so why do I feel so tired?

Sorry to post again, ive a very important job interview tomorrow, it means alot to me and if I feel as bad as this noway can i go. I also am finding it very difficult to look after my 3 children with feeling this way and also worrying on top of it makes me feel 10x worse.

26-09-06, 08:37
Hi Hun, well if it makes you feel any better i am of work today with the same thing so i think it may be a bug just doing the rounds.

try not to worry to much, keep drinking lots and try to have something to eat it will soon pass.

good luck with the job interview i will keep my fingers crossed for you.

Love & Light

Sam x

26-09-06, 08:41
Thanks Sam,

Its wierd because ive been so sick with it, saturday night i was sick 5x.My husband said he felt sick yesterday and sunday but wasnt sick and my kids are fine. I am usually the last to be ill if at all if there is a bug about so its got me all anxious that its not a bug.

I feel so weak & dizzy today, not sure how im going to get on today as ive loads to do with the kids.

26-09-06, 08:55
Sounds like a bug.
Good luck for the interview

Hay x

26-09-06, 08:58
Thanks Hayles.

26-09-06, 09:16
Just spoken to the nurse, she thinks I am allergic to amoxicillin???? ive been on them since wednesday and I was fine.

How odd, she has told me to stop them now, got 2 more to take today but she said to leave them. Hmmmm doubt its that and she wouldn't let me see the dr today, said to come see them in 2 days if no better. I have an interview tomorrow!!!!

26-09-06, 09:36
Hi Jem, You might be allergic to the antibiotic, but us people with anxiety do worry far far too much about what’s causing things, and believe me I have had this so long all the anxieties and worries do make us feel really ill. Take care, hope you feel better soon. Vernon

26-09-06, 09:37
Thanks Vernon,

The lightheaded feeling, weakness in legs & tiredness could well be anxiety I guess.

I am going to take the last 2, my sinuses feel abit better and I don't want to risk that coming back again. If no better Thursday I shall make sure I get seen by the dr.

In the mean time I need to stop myself thinking brain tumour, etc.....grrrrrrrr.

26-09-06, 09:57
Hi jem.....the more you worry you have got something..eg..brain tumour the more you will develop the symptoms of one-exactley what happened to me..........if you have a bug it will take a while before you start to feel yourself again-a week at least.........and yes sick bugs do make you feel awful-tired , dizzy and weak...all your worrying (which i know is hard to stop) will be making you feel even worse-YOU MUST STOP WORRYING ...about things you havent and will never get...(listen to me, i wish i could take my own advice!!)
take care i hope you feel better soon-good luck for the interview tomorrowxx

26-09-06, 10:00
Thanks hun,

Im going to try to chill out, still going to take the last 2 anti bs. My husband is convinced it was a bug as he never had a drink at the party which is unlike him, lol! and he felt delicate, so even though he wasnt sick he said he didnt feel right for 2 days so is convinced its been a bug in the house and has said its no wonder im exhausted after how sick I was. I was sick 5 times but each time was 3 amounts so about 15 times in total, im sore all over, lol!

Did you get my pm?

26-09-06, 12:36
hi jem i too had a bug but that was a while ago and for days after i felt really rotten-feeling light-headed weaketc.i think the things is that when you are a mum you still have to try and do everything and carry on as best you can and so it takes us longer to get over these things!!!hope you feel better and good luck for tomorrow!!!!
take care rachel x

26-09-06, 16:20

everyone reacts to viruses differently i know i can have the same bug as a friend but i wont be anywhere near as ill as she is and it happens the other way round

you probably just reacted to the bug and antibiotics take 2 to 3 day to work into your system thats why they give you min of 5 days treatment

try not to worry it does sound like the bug thats going round


the dreams of the future are better than the history of the past

26-09-06, 20:38
Hi Jem,

hope youre feeling better...it does sound like a virus you've had and they can leave you feeling rotten for a while. Also if it is a virus antibiotics wont have any effect on that.

Good luck with the job interview!

Take care

Coni X

26-09-06, 21:06
Thanks Coni, Im on anti bs for chronic sinusitis then i got sick at the weekend, hae finished anti bs now.