View Full Version : Get READY !!!

05-05-13, 06:49
I too am suffering, but for 3 years real hard. But not only that, with other symptoms. I am hoping to find someone who has had similar. I have been diagnosed with Cervical dystonia, bilat carpal tunnel, sacroiliac dysfunction, VNG testing for dizzy balance issues showed mild right ear? I had the most crappy neurologist who after the test and result of the VNG sent me to vestibular rehab, but because of my neck issue it was a waste.

I also have severe TMJ with arthritis. I am on disability, I do not want to live like this, this is torture, all of it and each compounds the other, and my family says its all just anxiety, but if they could walk a day in my shoes, try to sleep one night with the torture they would understand, but I do not wish any of this on my worst enemy. I used to have 2 jobs, I was a work aholic, now I rarely leave my house and I mean rarely, I have desire to do things in my mind, but the physical issues I suffer make anything worthless!

I wish this was all just anxiety, I went to ER the other night with vascular spasming I could feel and hear in my ears, could not sit up even hardly, stumbled onto a stretcher in the rain, as the amublance drivers were in an argument.....as if they couldnt get over whatever they argued about on the way to the emergency call, I literally thought I was dying, the ER doc was a joke, my WBC 14.5 so HIGH, all other absolute counts were all elevated except the lympocytes oddly. The ER doc finally agreed to a CT scan ( but not with contrast! ) just the regular lame CT scan, I am in medical field, or WAS, so I know. I don't even have the will power or physical will power really to go to Doctor upon doctor seeking a diagnosis, ( as if I don;t have enough already ) but individually with my current diagnosis it to me does not explain all of it, I just feel like its more then that.....meaning what I am already diagnosed with, and as you can imagine the compounded symptoms with some same as others, seem more confusing, I should be able to deal with each of these, but it does not explain the balance issues I feel........

I have no balance in DARK, when taking a shower its the worst, any head or neck, or eye movement its much worse, standing STILL is much worse then walking, I do not have the bouncy floaty feeling others describe, mine is a feeling as if my body is swaying and it is !!! I stumble into things, reaching my arms out makes it worse, talking makes it worse, I do not have dizzy feeling when bending over forward, only sideways, in fact I feel best totally bent over, except my dang back and HIPS! Who could walk around bent over all day...........I know this sounds crazy, but it feels worse then crazy, I don't know if anxiety over all adds to it, but lately I can not find normal words, my memory is shot, I have even started to stutter a bit and when I go to say something, I have to THINK first, then say it! I have never been like that.....has anyone ever felt this like I describe with ANXIETY.....oh, my ears ring so loud at times, and always always a faint ringing like florescant light, but it will change to high pitch, suction feeling in ears, wooshing sometimes.........I have 10 symptoms or more any given time of the day or night..............sleeping is a joke, and laying down makes neck spasms and jaw spasms worse, so I never get sleep unless I pass out and then I wake up so many times, by morning, I am so stiff, my entire spine neck and jaws, I stumble to my computer and search for a cure !

---------- Post added at 05:49 ---------- Previous post was at 05:46 ----------

I also have my left index finger shakes and quivers back and forth but only when my arm is outstrecthed, not at rest...because of my stiffness, I thought about parkinsons ...and of course M.S comes to mind, but 3 years ago MRI with contrast was clear, but I was not this bad then....my body feels stiff, the only thing good on me is my darn KNEES!

05-05-13, 06:59
Oh, and also when standing a long with my balance issue ( which as said before prior in my post, my balance is worst when standing still, talking, moving eyes, head neck ) but my legs stiffen up, I have to grip ground with my toes , does anyone else do this? My body also has a vibrating feeling as if it comes from my brain or spine!

---------- Post added at 05:59 ---------- Previous post was at 05:56 ----------

OMG, and how could I forget, I had a holtor monitor that said I had 5700 PVC's. I also had EKG that said old infarct, the pvc's are symptomatic like a kick in chest, but they are a nucience and I am not light headed dizzy! Its my balance, feeling off balance type dizziness and walking is better, except my other synptoms..if this was anxiety I would be pleased to know it!!!! That could be fixed!