View Full Version : Waking up early and not feeling tired

05-05-13, 07:32
I've been waking up at around 4-5am in the morning the last few days, and being unable to get back to sleep. Despite this, I don't really feel tired in the morning, just scared and anxious that I'm waking up early. The fact that I don't feel tired doesn't help the fact that I feel like I'm going crazy.

05-05-13, 10:57
Hi there. Are you also finding it difficult to fall asleep? The reason I ask was that a change to my sleep pattern is usually the first sign that my GAD and depression are looming. Now I don't worry about it and in a strange way see it a positive warning sign, so that I can go to see my doctor and tackle the problem before it really starts.
My advice would be to keep an eye on the situation and if it continues or is causing you to feel anxious go see your gp. A good nights sleep is so important for our mood. Also please don't worry that you are going crazy, you are not, early awakening according to my gp is one of the most common symptoms of anxiety.
I use a guided relaxation CD before I go to bed at night and find that also seems to help me fall/stay asleep. Anyway I hope your sleeping improves soon. Take care.