View Full Version : coping with pherifal vision loss after sstroke

05-05-13, 15:44
hello all you helpful people.
Has anyone lost pherifal vision after stroke and how have you coped.
It is ten years since this happened a long time I know. But I am not
copin g as well as I did.
Have been put on fluoxetine now 7 weeks agoi. and am sure I am worse
or am I being impatient? Any advice most appreciated:scared15::scared15:

05-05-13, 17:09
Hello hopey, I don't have experience with your problem but I wanted you to know I'm thinking about you. It really can't be easy losing peripheral vision because its a pretty useful thing to have. It doesn't matter how long ago things happened, you are still having to deal with it even now. It's really difficult to adjust and this is a big thing. I would imagine the whole experience and how it left you feeling took alot of adjustment. I hope the fluoxetine helps you. I take it for depression and it does help me.

05-05-13, 17:44
thankyou tessar for your reply.I suppose that after all this time i thought
I would have coped better. And I never thought I would have depression.
been an awful day have tried to keet doing things but it just doesnt seem to work sometimes does it/..Thanks again. How are you and have you had a reasonable day? blessings. hopey.

06-05-13, 17:48
Hello,again, hopey; there are times when I feel like I am not dealing with things very well, but then if I stop to look t what has been going in, I realise that in fact, I am doing much better than I give myself credit for.
It is very likely indeed that this is where you are at. It's quite reasonable to anticipate getting better within a given time but when that time passes we can feel despondent. So maybe the efforts you have put in haven't paid off as well as you'd hoped but also it may be that you have done very well indeed but with everything that has happened, it is difficult to really appreciate how far you have come.
Depression is an unpredictable thing and as you have found, even those people who may not have a predisposition to it, can find themselves feeling low because of what life has thrown at us. Also, all the efforts you have out in, they require great determination and strength to keep doing. Many people would just lay back and not bother. But that doesn't sound like you.
Sorry you had an awful day, was today any better?
My day has been good thank you. I was out in the garden for much of it then some friends came round. We were able to make them a nice cup of coffe and we had a good chat. They are people who always make me feel happy and good about myself.
You hang in there, hopey, and stay with it because sometimes just when you least expect it, things can take a turn for the better my friend.

12-05-13, 12:13
Thankyou tessar. that is a most positive reply so good of you. I too am an "oldie" . not too good at the moment. Am going to have a cup of tea and a piece of dark choc. I saw someone suggested that. It does sound rediculous but when my vision is fuzzy I feel that it will disapear altogether and then I think I panic. But thanks again. do hopre to "Get There" regards hopey

14-05-13, 14:08
hi hopey
I was thinking about you. How is it going?
Did the dark chocolate help? I saw some in the tin at work & it reminded me of you....! Obviously I cannot possibly claim to understand how frightening it must be with your vision. I wondered if you see a specialist regularly about this?