View Full Version : More weight loss worries.../sigh

05-05-13, 16:02
So, I have been dealing with worried of cancer in my abdomen or stomach, but the thing is, I tell myself that I have no real other symptoms other than this intermittent pain, which happens maybe 2-5 times a day, so I was getting almost to the point where I could ignore it.

Then when I went to the doc, I noticed I had lost 5 pounds in three weeks. Now, it has more or less stabalized, but the last three mornings, when weighing myself on the same scale, naked at the same time of day just after waking up, I am a little lighter each morning. I am honestly getting kind of scared.

It is also messing with my head. I am getting the obsessive need to weigh myself. I was able to blow off the weight difference from the three weeks between my first and second doctor visit, but this gradual creep downwards has me worried. I find myself doing really unhealthy things like eating more and drinking more water to make up the weight difference, but then I think I am just trying to fool the scale and ignoring some real, deadly problem going on inside me.

First time ever I need to lose weight and don't really want to.

To put it all in perspective, I should also point out that I have had this stomach issue for around a year, maybe slightly more than a year, and have had no dramatic weight loss in that time. In fact, I have probably put 10 pounds or so on, overall, and now I need to lose about 15 pounds, and feel horrid when a pound comes off the scale.

05-05-13, 21:30
So, I have been dealing with worried of cancer in my abdomen or stomach, but the thing is, I tell myself that I have no real other symptoms other than this intermittent pain, which happens maybe 2-5 times a day, so I was getting almost to the point where I could ignore it.

Then when I went to the doc, I noticed I had lost 5 pounds in three weeks. Now, it has more or less stabalized, but the last three mornings, when weighing myself on the same scale, naked at the same time of day just after waking up, I am a little lighter each morning. I am honestly getting kind of scared.

It is also messing with my head. I am getting the obsessive need to weigh myself. I was able to blow off the weight difference from the three weeks between my first and second doctor visit, but this gradual creep downwards has me worried. I find myself doing really unhealthy things like eating more and drinking more water to make up the weight difference, but then I think I am just trying to fool the scale and ignoring some real, deadly problem going on inside me.

First time ever I need to lose weight and don't really want to.

To put it all in perspective, I should also point out that I have had this stomach issue for around a year, maybe slightly more than a year, and have had no dramatic weight loss in that time. In fact, I have probably put 10 pounds or so on, overall, and now I need to lose about 15 pounds, and feel horrid when a pound comes off the scale.

hi there, about 6 months ago, after years of struggling with my weight, I suddenly lost over 2 stone in a month without even trying. most people would jump for joy, but being the worrywart i am, i immediately suspected some kind of malignancy. i finally realised it was a mixture of dehydration, anxiety and pots syndrome, all of which cause a racing heart - tachycardia. so basically, i was so anxious and all the adrenaline was making my heart beat so fast that everytime i walked a few steps it was like being on a treadmill.

when your heart is beating faster you will use more energy and burn off fuel. since being on beta blockers to control this heart rate and going from about 120bpm to 65 bpm, i have gained all of that weight back! :( so yes i should have been enjoying it while it lasted xD

so check if your heart is going faster than normal. if you have constant adrenaline rushes and anxiety it is bound to be burning off more fat and energy than usual. it could also make you very tired.