View Full Version : MRSA fears?

05-05-13, 20:41
i've been in and out of hospital for a few days the last 2 weeks.

during this time i had open sores/blisters in my heels because of badly fitting shoes.

they won't heal and they kept oozing blood when i was in hospital because of anticoagulant drugs.

now my left leg has been very sore and achey and now i've got a fever and upset tummy.

im worried i could have contracted MRSA! :(

my blisters were touching the bed, shower etc and i'm scared now.

first it was blood clots, which is why i went to hospital in the first place. and now this. it's started ever since i came out. i thought i was going to get well, not contract another disease -_-

ugh. i'm going crazy with worry. it seems like it's one thing after another.
i'm already chronically ill with pots syndrome. and i'm only 19.
i feel like i'm 91!

05-05-13, 21:00
Hi I can understand your fears as i am a nurse. However MRSA CAN BE CONTRACTED ANYWHERE OUTSIDE OF HOSPITAL!!!!I dont want to frighten you but its a fact, eg cashpoint machines, public phones etc shop door handles. Hospitals routinely swab people for MRSA on admission so if you had it they would have told you. Please dont worry, Im sure you will be fine, I take care of people with it all the time and I dont have it so its not that easy to catch.xx

05-05-13, 21:10
thanks for your reply, it's good to hear from somebody who works in the healthcare field.

yeah, i guess there's always a risk from touching anything, not just in hospitals.

i'm pretty healthy otherwise, i'm just a little bit worried.
for some reason the prospect of things like viruses & bacteria don't freak me out half as much as more long term things like clots, tumors etc! it's weird.

but i'm super vigilant so if anything gets worse it'll be straight to my dr, who is growing rather tired of me very fast. lol.