View Full Version : Going to florida in 2 weeks and think that i have a serious illness

05-05-13, 21:36
It started off with having blood in my urine after going for a run i started worrying thinking the worst got sent to the ulrasound and they found nothing also had my urine checked and blood checked all came back fine apart from a low white blood cell count but the doctor wasnt concerned but i thought the worst bladder or kidney cancer no blood in urine since. Then i started with back pains and abdominal pains and generally feeling a bit unwell also sweating at night and feeling a bit weird in my head the doctor has put me on different meds doulsapin and beta blockers so that might be something to do with the meds. The last couple of weeks i have thought that i have lymphoma or leukaemia been back to the doctors again and told him about my concerns he said no you dont have them i must have been to the doctors about 7 times in 10 weeks with all different ideas whats wrong with me and have seen 2 different doctors i went back again last week because i wasnt feeling to good and had been noticing little white bits in my stool so they have sent my stool sample away for tests will get the results back wednesday thursday. For the last couple of weeks i have had a dry mouth i think because of the new meds but started worrying about other thing now i have a little lump just under my ear i told the doctor who checked it but said not to worry about it and stop touching it i have also had a soar throat and a blocked nose for a few weeks and my skin feels a bit soar especially on my face now and been getting shortness of breath but this could be my anxiety. I think they may be just dismissing my symptoms because they know i have health anxiety . I am meant to be going to florida in 2 weeks with my girlfriend and my 2 kids i dont want to ruine the holiday for them i dont know what to do i dont know if iam just so anxious about the holiday or their is something seriously wrong with me . I even asked the doctor if he thought there was anything was wrong with me would he send me for tests he said he would .

05-05-13, 21:44
Sorry you are feeling this way, but I would try not to worry too much. You have had some tests done and they have come back clear. If the doc suspected something serious,they would investigate it. It`s more than their jobs worth to dismiss you for anxiety.
I`m quite sure your stool will come back negative too,
I hope you can look forward to going on holiday and when there, enjoy it.

06-05-13, 15:32
Hi thanks for your reply i just carnt seam to get out of this anxiety cycle i just feel like there is something wrong with me but i have thought this many times before i dont know if because iam so looking forward to this holiday that my anxiety is trying to ruin it for me. Some times when big events are coming up my anxiety does start like when my daughter was born and somtimes at christmas that i enjoy.

06-05-13, 15:54
Lees, there are lots of people who are like you and always believe there is something wrong. I know it can ruin your life. We worry over nothing really. Have you tried CBT.

06-05-13, 18:23
Hi thanks again for your reply i have been referred for cbt by my doctors just waiting for an appointment now

06-05-13, 19:40
You are welcome. That`s good you have been referred and I`m sure you will find that will help. It did for me and many others.
I know it`s easier said than done, but try and concentrate on the great time you will have in Florida with your family.

06-05-13, 21:42
Thanks flori i will try