View Full Version : Tummy bug worry!

05-05-13, 22:26
Hi I'm new here but I really need some help, I love my kids to the end of the earth but the fear of them being sick on the carpet or furniture cripples me into panic! My husband has been sick for two days and I'm currently in distress
That I will get it I'm even showing symptoms (this is normal for me when I know someone has tummy bug)! What if I can't look after the kids? What if they are sick on the carpet or bed? What if my son has to be off school and the welfare officer comes? I'm paralysed with panic in my bed and I can't seem to rationalise x

06-05-13, 03:45
Hi. Not quite sure from your message what your fears are. Are you fearful of them being sick generally or the fear is they will be sick on the carpet or furniture?

First of all, kids get sick, end of. But they've been sick in the past and you know they bounce back really quickly. If it's a fear of them being sick on the carpet etc, then do you have a bucket that you could give them so there less chance of it going on the carpet etc? And if the worse comes to the worse, I'm sure being a parent you have had to clean up after them in the past. The most you would have to do is get a carpet cleaner once everyone's better.

I obviously don't know how old your son is, but if he's in primary school that's the worst place that kids are going to get bugs, so sadly as a parent you could catch allsorts. I too have a fear of being sick from when I was a child, but in the end it won't do you any harm. At least you have your family around to help you.

Now, tell me, if your son is off school because he's ill, why would the welfare officer come and visit you? You would of course call his school to tell them he's ill, and if other kids have come down with the same thing they will know you're genuine. The welfare officer is only going to visit you if he's off for a length of time without any explanation.