View Full Version : Irratible bowel what works for you?

06-05-13, 08:35
I'm sure I suffer with funny bowels and put this down to anxiety all the time as I'm to young for it to be bowel cancer or any other kind of disease.
However lately I've had very loose bowels ans have started going every single day :blush:.
Can a high fibre diet cause this?
On a daily basis I eat three portions of fruit, for example a banana, two plums and a pear. Normally two weetabix in the morning, two slices of whole grain bread a day whether it be toast or a sandwich. And then some kind of veg in my dinner most days and twice a week I eat whole wheat pasta salad for dinner in the week.
At dinner veg is either salad, so romaine lettuce,cucumber, tomatoes and peppers
Or if a hot meal generally green beans, broccoli and carrots. Always eat three portions of veg with dinner a day.
I would like normal bowel movements as loose ones are making me very uncomfortable and I don't like it so any ideas ?

06-05-13, 15:39
Yes, a high fibre diet can cause this, as can fruit. Maybe switch some of your fruit for vegetables, or eat your fruit as part of a meal, instead of by itself.

My IBS causes diarrhoea to the point of collapsing. I've tried everything, the only thing that helps is codeine. I only need a very low dose and rarely have a problem any more, except when I forget to take it.

06-05-13, 20:38
Thank you. I always eat a banana with my weetabix.
A piece of fruit mid morning
Then tommorow will have a plum after my peanut butter rolls I've made for lunch. :)

12-05-13, 13:38
Hi, although all those foods are really healthy I think you might be over doing it a little on the fibre! I'd still continue to eat everything listed but maybe try cutting the amount of each down a little and see if that helps? I have funny bowels too so I'm always fibre counting!