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06-05-13, 10:04
I'm Jue, I have had anxiety about most things since I was a teenager, I am now 40. I had a particularly bad episode of anxiety and depression around 6 years ago when I was off work for a year and left for a less stressful job. I have been taking fluoxetine ever since and although I have constantly had a low level of anxiety I have coped. My mum died suddenly in January and I have been a mess ever since, I am still of work. Work have just announced loads of redundancies and I am at risk and will have to re-interview for my job on a lower grade with different duties.
Since then I have fallen to pieces, I have lost my appetite and my anxiety as totally ramped up. I am due to go back to work tomorrow but am not sure i can physically walk into the office.
I am not sure the fluoxetine is working anymore and the depression is back.
Thanks for reading

06-05-13, 10:08
Hi Jue,

A very warm welcome to the site. I'm sorry to hear off all that you are going through at the moment and I'm especially sorry to hear of the loss of your Mother. There are lots of wonderful people on this site and I'm sure you'll find it a great source of comfort and supprt.

Wishing you the very best
Hannah :hugs:

06-05-13, 10:25
Hi and :welcome:

Sorry to hear of the loss of your mum. It`s difficult when we lose a parent, no matter what their age. It`s really early days and you are still grieving. Go back and tell you doc how you feel.

06-05-13, 11:48
Hi jueju so sorry to read you have depression again. You will be in my thoughts and I hope you cope with work blessings hopey

06-05-13, 18:29
Sorry to hear of the loss of your mother . I am sure you will find loads of help and support on this site. :welcome:

07-05-13, 00:06
Glad to have you with us Jue.

I've found a great deal of support and guidance since I've been here.

I'm sure you will too.