View Full Version : Terrible morning anxiety and panic

06-05-13, 10:32
Hey everyone,

For the past week or so, I have been waking up with severe anxiety and panic in the mornings, from about 4am onwards. It starts to subside at about 10am ish, but I feel awful for the rest of the day with anxiety levels sky high.

I've never felt like this before and feel like I'm in my own living hell. My poor husband is having to sleep in the spare room because of it.

I started taking 20mg of Fluoxetine last week, but surely it couldn't be that?

06-05-13, 11:36
Caramel I used to have this problem but discovered that it was down to low blood sugar in the mornings. Do you eat breakfast or skip it? And when do you eat in the evenings, is it a long time before you go to bed? Do you have a glass of wine or any alcohol before you sleep?

Try eating something as soon as you wake up, keeping something like a banana or a glass of orange juice on your bedside table can be a good idea. Eat/drink it as soon as you wake to give yourself a quick blood sugar boost and then go and eat a proper breakfast.

See if this helps :)

06-05-13, 11:44
Caramel - it certainly could be the fluoxetine. One of the early side effects is increased anxiety which is really really awful. I'm sorry to say it can take a number of weeks before you will feel the benefit and for the anxiety to calm down.
I am on week 5 and have been very up and down. Please feel free to PM me if you want to talk about anything.
Stay strong, J x

06-05-13, 12:32
Thanks Jelly, I think you may be right and I will pm you f need be, the same goes for you too xx

Honeylove, I think that might be playing a part too, I'm finding it difficult to eat much at the moment, so have been keeping a banana ready to nibble on and things like that.

06-05-13, 13:14
I agree with Jelly, it will be the fluoxetine. You both were definitely stronger than me. I couldn`t put up with the side effects for a week. But well done, keep going, it`s said they do work.
Good Luck and I hope you both start feeling better soon x

06-05-13, 13:16
I truly know how much it sucks as do lots of people on here. It feels so unfair that the things prescribed to make you feel better can often make you feel so much worse in the first instance.

Lack of appetite and dry mouth are also side effects. Just try and eat a little of whatever you fancy when ever you can. I was getting stressed at the thought of making a meal then not being able to eat it so have just been nibbling at fruit, cereal, yogurt etc whenever I feel hungry rather than push myself to try and eat a whole meal. I'm making my husband fend for himself!
J x

06-05-13, 18:40
Thank you Flori :) I'm doing the same with my eating and husband too Jelly. He knows I'm only doing this to try and get better, so he's being really good about it so far. :)

06-05-13, 18:44
Thank you Flori :) I'm doing the same with my eating and husband too Jelly. He knows I'm only doing this to try and get better, so he's being really good about it so far. :)

That's great Caramel - It will help to have an understanding partner. My H does really get it but I can't blame him. He's just constantly trying to get me to snap out of it but it doesn't help :doh:
Have you managed to eat anything this evening? Feeling any calmer?
J x

06-05-13, 19:34
I managed to nibble at a bit of pasta and a banana and I do feel a little calmer right now. How about you?

06-05-13, 19:53
That's good. I managed a bit of pasta too.
Having some calm moments but wish they would last a bit longer!
J x

06-05-13, 20:13
Me too! Here's to a good night's sleep and a calm morning :hugs:

SMD Counselling
06-05-13, 20:17

06-05-13, 20:18
Jelly`` I'm making my husband fend for himself!``

I had a wee giggle at that.:)

Seriously , Good to hear you are eating a bit more. You too Caramel :)

07-05-13, 20:21
Caramel, always worse first thing for me. Yes I bet the Floroxetine[sp] are playing a part. Last summer when I went back on them I was pretty rough for a while. Hope you feel better soon, keep at it.

Jon Dimond
08-05-13, 17:16
I started taking Citalopram about 4 weeks ago and I've felt dreadful in the mornings. I was never a great morning person, but at the moment I wake up so despondent, depressed and really anxious. I really hope it passes soon as its very unpleasant. I wake up about 8am and this feeling lasts for a good couple of hours afterwards.

09-05-13, 13:46
Hi Jon,

I know just how you are feeling xx Having talked to others here, I know that it WILL pass, which is why I'm persevering. We CAN do this!!

I have taken Citalopram before and felt fine after a little while, so you will get there xx We're all here for you in the meantime to help you through.:hugs:

---------- Post added at 13:46 ---------- Previous post was at 12:06 ----------

Well, despite the stupid anxiety kicking in for a bit this morning, I'm having a pretty good day where I'm feeling almost 'normal'!

I've been having a tough time with Fluoxetine, which I started last week so I'm hoping and praying this is a sign that it's just starting to help a little. Fingers crossed. :)