View Full Version : Anyone else feel like this?

06-05-13, 19:12
My anxiety is travelling/driving. I get panicky at traffic lights and particularly in traffic jams. I avoid both as much as possible.

I can see a dual carriageway from the upstairs window and as it's a bank holiday and I'm staying near the seaside the traffic's been pretty heavy and constant most of the day. Even though I don't want to go anywhere, need to go anywhere or indeed am going anywhere I'm still feeling anxious at the thoughts of being in that traffic?!

06-05-13, 19:17
My anxiety is travelling/driving. I get panicky at traffic lights and particularly in traffic jams. I avoid both as much as possible.

I can see a dual carriageway from the upstairs window and as it's a bank holiday and I'm staying near the seaside the traffic's been pretty heavy and constant most of the day. Even though I don't want to go anywhere, need to go anywhere or indeed am going anywhere I'm still feeling anxious at the thoughts of being in that traffic?!

Hi I have posted a few times about my fear of traffic jams, dual carriageways and motorways. This started last year with me. The traffic jam one is the worst, I have realised with me, it is a fear of being trapped and as I drive regularly have had to learn certain coping mechanisms. Firstly I do the four in four out breathing as soon as I am approaching a jam, secondly I leave quite a big gap between me and the car in front so my mind thinks that if necessary I can turn round and "escape" and thirdly I just turn the radio up and try and distract myself. Dual carriageways are a bit more tricky as I am still too scared to go on these.

06-05-13, 19:48
That's exactly my problem, being 'stuck' in traffic when I'm a driver and I too leave ridiculous gaps between me and the car in front so I can pull over or turn around if necessary. I don't go on dual carriageways or motorways for this very reason. When I'm a passenger it's the lack of control I fear - other drivers who don't have the fear are able to 'box themselves in' whilst waiting for lights, etc and that worries me just as much when being a passenger. It's a nightmare

06-05-13, 20:04
I too have problems on the roads and driving. I was driving when I took my first big PA. That was about 7 years ago and it is as clear in my head as if it was yesterday. I will only drive about town now, about 5 minutes away. Have the same problem with traffic lights. If I have to go further and depending on how I feel I take the train and only go if a member of my family come with me.

06-05-13, 21:07
That's exactly my problem, being 'stuck' in traffic when I'm a driver and I too leave ridiculous gaps between me and the car in front so I can pull over or turn around if necessary. I don't go on dual carriageways or motorways for this very reason. When I'm a passenger it's the lack of control I fear - other drivers who don't have the fear are able to 'box themselves in' whilst waiting for lights, etc and that worries me just as much when being a passenger. It's a nightmare

I can relate totally, I turn into a wreak when I am a passenger, in fact I avoid it as I can't help but panic, it is definitely the lack of control and the feeling that someone else is temporarily in charge of your destiny. Motorways etc are really difficult for me, I used to think it was the speed people were travelling at but I think it is more the feeling of not being able to leave or stop when I want to that freaks me out. I am in awe of drivers who can sit in traffic jams on dual carriageways, this is what started my driving panic off, I can remember it so well, it makes me feel sick even years later.

06-05-13, 21:19
I can relate totally, I turn into a wreak when I am a passenger, in fact I avoid it as I can't help but panic, it is definitely the lack of control and the feeling that someone else is temporarily in charge of your destiny. Motorways etc are really difficult for me, I used to think it was the speed people were travelling at but I think it is more the feeling of not being able to leave or stop when I want to that freaks me out. I am in awe of drivers who can sit in traffic jams on dual carriageways, this is what started my driving panic off, I can remember it so well, it makes me feel sick even years later.
We all seem to be the same. I have a friend who takes me in the car when I can`t drive too far. He has to go slow, I am forever telling him to watch out. I grip on to the car like grim death. My whole body is tense. I am a nightmare passenger.

06-05-13, 21:36
Think it is really common this fear with anxiety Flori.