View Full Version : Panic attack right now

06-05-13, 19:36
Hey folks,in a bad way at the minute,i found out yesterday im gonna be let go from my job and my girlfriend isnt talking to me either and she is normally the one who helps me through my anxiety and my panic attacks.just feeling very down and alone right now!all day long iv just been breaking out in cold sweats and keep feeling something bad is about to happen,finding it really hard to catch my breath properly too!im just so scared something is going to happen to me,please help!

06-05-13, 19:41
Really sorry to hear that :bighug1:

Try to control your breathing, hard I know, but it will help. Nothing is going to happen to you, it is just your thoughts.

Have you got anything on your phone or mp3 player for relaxation.

Wish i could help more.

06-05-13, 19:42
Ally, Have you tried any relaxation videos. There are good ones on You Tube and they really do help.

06-05-13, 20:01
Iv never tried relaxation videos but il give it a go.im so exhausted from feeling like this all day,iv just been trying to distract myself playing games on my ipad and stuff and thats helped a little.panic attacks are one thing i dont think il ever get used to,they have had a really bad effect on me!thank you for your kind replies:)

06-05-13, 20:09
You are welcome. They actually drain the energy from me at times too. You should try the videos- they help me. Give them a go :)

07-05-13, 02:53
Iv never tried relaxation videos but il give it a go.im so exhausted from feeling like this all day,iv just been trying to distract myself playing games on my ipad and stuff and thats helped a little.panic attacks are one thing i dont think il ever get used to,they have had a really bad effect on me!thank you for your kind replies:)

I suffered bad and found being with my parents and tellin them and being around them helped me if your not close to parents someone you feel comfortable with and can be open and honest and who will support you, I promise you mate nothing bad will happen I promise I been there so much

Derek Connop
07-05-13, 23:36
Hi Ally sorry to hear you are currently suffering. Try to remember that a panic attack (as awful as they are, I suffer too) will not physically harm you. Its your bodies automatic response mechanism to a perceived threat. Did your panic and anxiety levels get out of control as a result of the news about your job ? As others have said there are some really good relaxation resources online. I use relaxation apps on my Iphone that I find very useful if I need to slow my body down a bit. They are probably not right for everyone but they may be worth a go. Good luck mate and all the best from Bristol UK

08-05-13, 02:32
I completely understand. I had a bad on on Sunday afternoon because the kids in my road decided to use my front room windows for target pratice for their water ballons. I'm still shaking now from it