View Full Version : Constant headaches and pressure in head? Worried about a brain tumour!! :(

06-05-13, 20:44
I feel like I hav many brain tumour symptoms such as:
- headaches for 10 years
- clicking in ears when I swallow
- sharp head pains that go in seconds
- twitching in eyelids, arms and legs
- sometimes a hot or cold pain in head
- sometimes pressure above right eye
- head pressure when I lay down that is on top of my head and forehead area
- pressure above right temples when I move my eyebrows
- pains in head when I lay on my right and left sides
- headaches worsen when I look down

Most recently I went to the doctors because I was severely dizzy, nauseas, weakness in my right arm and leg, head pains, and my face felt like pins and needles. He did neurological tests on me, checked my blood pressure, and did blood tests, everything was fine! He said it was due to anxiety which I truly believe that some of it was because right after the doctors my dizziness, leg and arm weakness, nausea, and face tingles almost all went away. (Took about a week for it to fully go). I still have all symptoms listed above. I'm scared that it may be a brain tumour. Any opinions?

06-05-13, 20:50
Hi I have been suffering like this for a long time. I have been through diagnosing myself with tumours, ms, lymes disease amongst many other things. These are common symptoms with anxiety, tension and stress and hyperventilating. I have most of the things in your list and a few more besides. If you have been checked over by a doctor and they are not concerned then you should be reassured, if a GP had the slightest suspicion you had something like a brain tumour then you would be referred for a scan immediately .

06-05-13, 20:50
Hello its horrible being afraid, you have headaches for ten years if it was a tumour i think you would have suffered a fit by now from the pressure in the skull. The headaches with brain tumour are the worst you could experience, you would be vomiting with the pain, but most people are diagnosed from a fit, i am speaking from experience and the headaches do not go, however if you really are concerned push for a mri, best wishes

06-05-13, 21:13
almamatters, thanks so much for the response. It's much appreciated.
You're probably right about my doctor, it's just the head pressure and sharp pains push me off the edge and makes me worry. My doctor actually told me that they don't see a reason why they would make me do a scan because there's nothing that seems could be a brain tumour.
How bad are your symptoms? Do you have them constantly as well?

Aggiecuttler, thanks so much for responding!
I will probably keep pushing, it will help clear my mind. :)

06-05-13, 21:27
almamatters, thanks so much for the response. It's much appreciated.
You're probably right about my doctor, it's just the head pressure and sharp pains push me off the edge and makes me worry. My doctor actually told me that they don't see a reason why they would make me do a scan because there's nothing that seems could be a brain tumour.
How bad are your symptoms? Do you have them constantly as well?

Aggiecuttler, thanks so much for responding!
I will probably keep pushing, it will help clear my mind. :)

Hi jennclark,
My symptoms are there on an almost daily basis, some days worse than others, the head pressure is the worst for me and the jabbing pain just above eyebrow. I have had an MRI scan which the doctor told me days before I went would be clear and it was. I can understand you worrying, I still do now , but your doctor would know the signs of something sinister . Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon.

06-05-13, 22:06
I've been talking a lot on the forum lately about this but I'll mention it to you incase you find it helpful.

Have you ever considered that this might be a migraine problem? I've had a lot of similar symptoms over the last few months including the twitching, weak arm, dizziness, clicking ears, nausea & pressure in the head. A balance specialists told me about a thing called migraine associated vertigo which is what we think my problem is, it just explains a lot that's happened in my life.

I'll give you two links to articles I read recently that explained about chronic migraine, have a look to see if they help you and maybe bring the info to your doctor, ask for a referral to a neurologist.


07-05-13, 01:40
Hi jennclark,
My symptoms are there on an almost daily basis, some days worse than others, the head pressure is the worst for me and the jabbing pain just above eyebrow. I have had an MRI scan which the doctor told me days before I went would be clear and it was. I can understand you worrying, I still do now , but your doctor would know the signs of something sinister . Take care and I hope you are feeling better soon.

I'm glad your MRI's came out clear. That's always good news.
Your symptoms sounds like mine. I've noticed that when I think about my symptoms they become worse, so I'm going to try to keep myself busy and not to be alone for long periods of time. I drown myself with my negative thoughts on my health. :weep:
I'm going to keep asking my doctor for an MRI, it will be the only way to put me at ease.
Hope you get better soon

---------- Post added at 20:40 ---------- Previous post was at 20:38 ----------

I've been talking a lot on the forum lately about this but I'll mention it to you incase you find it helpful.

Have you ever considered that this might be a migraine problem? I've had a lot of similar symptoms over the last few months including the twitching, weak arm, dizziness, clicking ears, nausea & pressure in the head. A balance specialists told me about a thing called migraine associated vertigo which is what we think my problem is, it just explains a lot that's happened in my life.

I'll give you two links to articles I read recently that explained about chronic migraine, have a look to see if they help you and maybe bring the info to your doctor, ask for a referral to a neurologist.


Hello, thank you for responding.
No one has considered it being a migraine problem, they have constantly said it has been anxiety. Our symptoms are very alike, I really hope it's something like that and nothing serious. Have you done any MRI's or CT scans? I think that will be the only way to put my mind at ease.

I will take a look at these articles, thank you:)

07-05-13, 02:57
For what it's worth, I have almost all of those symptoms and mine are attributed to TMJ problems, as well as the sinus problems that accompany my TMJ troubles. Basically, something happened to my jaw when I had my wisdom teeth pulled awhile ago. I have a bad teeth grinding problem so it just makes it worse. I'm actually having a flare right now--horrible pressure, actual muscle spasms in my cheeks/jaw/skull, the worst clicking/squeaking, and awful headaches. If you want to pursue whether or not this is your problem, you might want to seek out a dentist or oral surgeon. :hugs:

07-05-13, 06:11
For what it's worth, I have almost all of those symptoms and mine are attributed to TMJ problems, as well as the sinus problems that accompany my TMJ troubles. Basically, something happened to my jaw when I had my wisdom teeth pulled awhile ago. I have a bad teeth grinding problem so it just makes it worse. I'm actually having a flare right now--horrible pressure, actual muscle spasms in my cheeks/jaw/skull, the worst clicking/squeaking, and awful headaches. If you want to pursue whether or not this is your problem, you might want to seek out a dentist or oral surgeon. :hugs:

Hello, thanks for the response!
I'm sorry to hear about your symptoms.
It's funny you bring up TMJ because I have the worst jaw. I've had grinding problems since I was very young. The dentist gave me a mouth guard to wear at night but I just can't get used to it and take it out. Every time I open my mouth my jaw clicks and I hear something weird in my left ear. I can dislocate my jaw easily, and sometimes I wake up with a locked jaw. I never really thought of being a possible reason for the way I'm feeling. I'm going to look into it more.
Thanks so much:hugs:

07-05-13, 10:03
severely dizzy, nauseas, weakness in my right arm and leg, head pains, and my face felt like pins and needles.
I also have these symptoms and they terrify me:(
the thought of brain tumors are first thing that comes to mind.
My husband died with tumour in his head BUT NO AMOUNT of medication made the pain stop. that was when we realised it was more serious.
For us (on no panic) the fears we face every day is what causes our problems - just one small pain soon escalates to major trauma. Once we are on that 'roller coaster' of fear we imagine the worst....

Mr m anxious
07-05-13, 13:27
I doubt you have BT if you've had headaches for 10 yrs I'm sure you'd now by now. I heard of someone just yesterday who's had headaches for 20 years with every test clear.
Hope this helps x

07-05-13, 15:56
severely dizzy, nauseas, weakness in my right arm and leg, head pains, and my face felt like pins and needles.
I also have these symptoms and they terrify me:(
the thought of brain tumors are first thing that comes to mind.
My husband died with tumour in his head BUT NO AMOUNT of medication made the pain stop. that was when we realised it was more serious.
For us (on no panic) the fears we face every day is what causes our problems - just one small pain soon escalates to major trauma. Once we are on that 'roller coaster' of fear we imagine the worst....

Hello June,
Thanks so much for your response and I'm sorry to hear about your husband.
I know exactly what you mean about the roller coaster of fear, it's what I've been on the last couple of weeks.
Did your husband have any of those symptoms you listed?


---------- Post added at 10:56 ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 ----------

I doubt you have BT if you've had headaches for 10 yrs I'm sure you'd now by now. I heard of someone just yesterday who's had headaches for 20 years with every test clear.
Hope this helps x

Hello, thanks for the response
I just feel like my headaches are getting worse, along with my symptoms. It just really worries me that something isn't right. :weep:


07-05-13, 22:42
Lockjaw etc are definitely huge TMJ disorder signs. Right now I have this really annoying spasming that alternates between an inch above my right ear, and about an inch in front of and below my right ear. Drives me nuts! A lot of people deal with it and treatment is usually conservative--soft diet for awhile until the inflammation goes down, ibuprofen, warm heat on the painful areas. Does your bite feel off? Mine's felt bad ever since my wisdom teeth extraction, so I think it did something. I've read that when our bite is even a tiny bit off, we grind our teeth because it's our body's way of trying to fix the bite. Phooey!

08-05-13, 04:18
Lockjaw etc are definitely huge TMJ disorder signs. Right now I have this really annoying spasming that alternates between an inch above my right ear, and about an inch in front of and below my right ear. Drives me nuts! A lot of people deal with it and treatment is usually conservative--soft diet for awhile until the inflammation goes down, ibuprofen, warm heat on the painful areas. Does your bite feel off? Mine's felt bad ever since my wisdom teeth extraction, so I think it did something. I've read that when our bite is even a tiny bit off, we grind our teeth because it's our body's way of trying to fix the bite. Phooey!

What do you mean a spasm? Does that mean twitching?
My bite feels fine, but I mean it may be off, maybe I just got used to it.

I'm just really worried about my headaches that worsens when I lay down. Not sure what would cause that. :(

08-05-13, 15:43
Yeah, kind of like a trembling feeling. Simmers down if I use heat or massage, but it's been ever-present for like a week now. Merp. If it makes you feel any better, my head sometimes gets worse when I lay, especially if I lay on the right or left side. I think it puts tension on my jaw. But that's just me! :hugs:

08-05-13, 18:48
Yeah, kind of like a trembling feeling. Simmers down if I use heat or massage, but it's been ever-present for like a week now. Merp. If it makes you feel any better, my head sometimes gets worse when I lay, especially if I lay on the right or left side. I think it puts tension on my jaw. But that's just me! :hugs:

I hope you feel better.
I definitely need to do some further testing but I hope it's nothing as serious as a brain tumour.
I have the worst sleep because I have to lay on my back, with my head elevated high on the pillows, which is so uncomfortable. :weep:

08-05-13, 19:09
Hi neck tension can cause these problems according to a physio I went to see if you have very tight neck muscles and bad posture then this in turn can cause problems in the head area. As you know I have had these problems for a long time and have been from GP to neurologist to ENT and then physio and there has not been a structural cause (neurologists words) for my problems. Mine has always been put down to tension and anxiety, I do have poor posture as well which does not help.

08-05-13, 19:26
Hi neck tension can cause these problems according to a physio I went to see if you have very tight neck muscles and bad posture then this in turn can cause problems in the head area. As you know I have had these problems for a long time and have been from GP to neurologist to ENT and then physio and there has not been a structural cause (neurologists words) for my problems. Mine has always been put down to tension and anxiety, I do have poor posture as well which does not help.

Has the physio helps with your tight neck muscles?
I've actually noticed that I have very bad posture, since I was young but I never knew it could cause head pains.
Do you know if this could also cause tingles in finger tips?

08-05-13, 19:43
Has the physio helps with your tight neck muscles?
I've actually noticed that I have very bad posture, since I was young but I never knew it could cause head pains.
Do you know if this could also cause tingles in finger tips?

I do get tingling in my fingers , the physio did help my tight muscles by massaging them and giving me exercises to relax the whole shoulder, neck area. He said tension in this area can cause headaches and head pain and as my GP had ruled out other causes, then it would help me to learn to relax the muscles in this area. My symptoms did not go away after this (still have them now) but I did feel less tense and achy. Your GP could refer you to a physio if you thought it may help you. I paid to see one (it was not expensive) I was desperate at the time and did not want to wait.

08-05-13, 19:47
I do get tingling in my fingers , the physio did help my tight muscles by massaging them and giving me exercises to relax the whole shoulder, neck area. He said tension in this area can cause headaches and head pain and as my GP had ruled out other causes, then it would help me to learn to relax the muscles in this area. My symptoms did not go away after this (still have them now) but I did feel less tense and achy. Your GP could refer you to a physio if you thought it may help you. I paid to see one (it was not expensive) I was desperate at the time and did not want to wait.

It's great to hear that it's helping you a bit.
I'm definitely going to look into physio, thanks so much :hugs:

08-05-13, 19:49
You are welcome, if your GP has ruled out other causes and it not concerned about your symptoms, then it might be worth a try. :hugs: xxx

08-05-13, 19:51
You are welcome, if your GP has ruled out other causes and it not concerned about your symptoms, then it might be worth a try. :hugs: xxx

I have yet to get any type of scans done, my doctor says there is no need for it. I'm going to keep pushing for it

08-05-13, 19:53
Might be what you need for reassurance, I would not have been convinced if I had not had an MRI as I am so anxious. Take Care

08-05-13, 19:55
It will definitely help with the reassurance

Take care:hugs:

09-05-13, 05:39
Anyone else have these symptoms?

09-05-13, 06:12
I know I posted before, but I just wanted to pop in and say that I've been thinking about you and trying to think of other non-scary things that might be causing your problems! Today I feel like my head is going to explode from pressure so I feel so awful that you're dealing with these issues. :hugs:

09-05-13, 06:28
Thanks for stopping by :)
I really appreciate everything you're doing and I hope your head pressure goes away!:hugs:
I usually only have mine when I'm laying down, is yours like that as well?

09-05-13, 16:41
Mine varies. I seem to have several different problems. When I sit up, I have the awful pressure like my head will explode, and I think that might be a combination of my jaw and allergy pressure. When I lay down, my skull feels really uncomfortable, but it's somehow different than when I'm sitting up. :wacko: One thing that helps even trivially is to massage the insides of my cheeks. I'm guessing that releases some of the jaw pressure?

09-05-13, 19:00
Seems like head pressure can be due to a combination of many things.

I really wonder if it has anything to do with my jaw because when I press in my jaw area or on my cheeks it's a big sore. But that may be due to my wisdom teeth coming in:wacko:

09-05-13, 19:38
If you press right in front of your ear, right above your ear, or right next to your earlobe on your skull, does it feel sensitive at all? That can be indicative of jaw inflammation. Mine's so rough right now that just touching my ears is sensitive. Yeesh! Wisdom teeth..such evil. Mine were fully grown in at 16 and pressing into my ear drums when I got them out. If only we could be born without those, our tonsils, our appendixes (appendices?), and gallbladders. :P

09-05-13, 19:41
Haha, I'm 20 and only one has popped out :P

I noticed slight pain when I press right on top of my ear and behind it on my skull, but no where else :wacko:

09-05-13, 20:03
Must be genetic because my brother had to get his out when he was like 14! Have you tried massage therapy in case tension is a factor? (I apologize if you already answered that, my brain is super frazzled today--about to go into a situation that's really sparking my anxiety so I'm like short-circuiting, heh.)

09-05-13, 21:34
Wow, that's very young for your brother!

I actually haven't tried any type of therapy, have you gotten any before?

09-05-13, 21:39
I haven't, though I want to very much. Basically, I went to many doctors and specialists in a short period of time when I could no longer swallow a few months ago. Nobody was able to help or take me seriously, so I'm really disillusioned now with doctors, which is giving me hesitation to go back in. I do feel a little better when my friend rubs my shoulders and neck, but I haven't booked a professional massage yet. I think it might help though.

09-05-13, 21:41
Is your swallowing doing better?
It annoys me so much when doctors don't pay attention to what you're trying to say. :(

You definitely should book with a professional, it can help with any tension and help you relax:yesyes:

09-05-13, 21:51
Well..yes and no. It still feels really uncomfortable to swallow, and I still have pains in the front of my neck + muscle tension. Actually, it all started around the same time as the pressure and muscle tension elsewhere. But while I went a month eating less than 100 calories a day, I'm now pushing myself to do more. So I went from applesauce to mashed potatoes to pasta to toast, and I'd like to someday eat chicken again! I lost a lot of weight in a very short amount of time so I'm trying to gain/maintain and that makes me try to forget the difficulties. :D

Since my insurance is leaving me soon, I'll probably end up just paying for massage therapy and hope for the best, haha. :P

09-05-13, 21:55
I wish you luck in hopes your throat gets better!

Hopefully everything works out :yesyes:

09-05-13, 22:24
Many thanks, and I wish you luck in getting all this sorted--I know you will, it's just a matter of finding the appropriate treatment!

09-05-13, 22:45
Thank you!:hugs:

10-05-13, 19:42
Hi .. Have had all symptoms mentioned above , just been to a audiology medicine clinic , they said I had visual vertigo , tension headaches and benign paroxysmal positional vertigo , for short BPPV to which they did a epley manoeuvre , so far so good the dizzy and lightheadedness is not so bad it's getting better and with the relief of being told its vertigo and tension symptoms of anxiety have lessened ,have some exercises to do , I'm a holistic therapist but its been hard to practice what I preach haha x

10-05-13, 19:51
Hello, it's great to see you're getting better :)

My dad thinks I may have some sort of vertigo, I haven't been tested for it yet though.

I totally know what you mean by it's hard to practice what you preach haha, I'm studying to become a child and youth counsellor, so I'm supposed to know coping strategies to handle anxiety, but I can never do it for myself. :blush: