View Full Version : The marathon!

06-05-13, 21:44
26.2 miles!! completed in 5:48 super happy with this time as i was heading for 5/ 5.5 hours and 5.48 is pretty darn close!

it was a sensational feeling crossing that finish line and it has proven to me most things are a case of mind over matter, only three weeks ago i decided to run this race, (keeping in mind most marathon runners train 9-12 months in advanced) with three weeks training and not much of an idea of what i was letting my self in for i eagerly/ nervously waited at the start line with 399 other runners and all i could see in front of me was a sea of bobbing heads!

8:30 came and we were off for our travels around the country side with some of the most amazing views i have ever seen i destroyed both my 10k and half marathon time this allowed me to push on and see what else i could do,

at 20 miles i hit the wall and my god it was a big wall! but i wasnt going to let it win so i decided to walk the next mile before picking up my pace again this pattern carried on for the next few miles (run walk run) and my legs felt like they were on fire my hands and feet were swollen my face head and legs were sun burnt but when you in the middle of no where there isnt too much you can do about it

when i saw the 26 mile marker i dont think i have ever had such a big smile on my face.... so i took a deep breath and picked up my pace giving everything i had.

finally i see the finish line in sight and people cheering my name and clapping before i knew it i had a bottle of water in my hand a medal round my neck and t shirt in my hand thank you to everyone that wished me and ted well and gave us support we look forward to our next fundraising event for NMP :) pictures to follow!

06-05-13, 21:56

Congratulations and well done. You must be really pleased with yourself and quite rightly so.
You will sleep well tonight:)

06-05-13, 21:58
That's amazing. I will be contributing to NMP and all because of you. What an inspiration...!!!! A brilliant achievement.

06-05-13, 22:36
Congratulations that is such an achievement well done!!

06-05-13, 22:37
I have said it before but a BIG well done and thank you, you should be really really proud of yourself..........when you can move that is lol
